Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by cartune

The cop might not be a racist but to say race wasnt a factor is nutzo.
Well, if you think the cop may not be racist, then are saying that you may be nutzo? I mean, there's a thin line between race "being a factor" and "being a racist".

I honestly think it was the case of 2 huge egos. The Harvard professor who's saying "Do you know who I am" and the cop who is like "I am the law, you do what I say and I don't care who you are". I think the outcome may have been the same if it was a white professor.

It's not like they beat him up or anything, they also arrested him with his handcuffs in the front.
no not so much, better if you said if the cop was black. I think i've seen enough quick snaps of this thread though to know that i'm notcoming back.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by NooEra

If i was an accomplished black man living in Cambridge id b heated if the boys came up to me at my own home telling me they're investigating a break in.
Everyone knows if he had been white the neighbor probably wouldn't have called the police.

What? You can't be that dense, really. The neighbor called the police because she was concerned that someone might be breaking in to the property, because Gates had been out of town. And in your infinite brilliance you determine that if Gates was white, the neighbor would not be concerned about someone trying to break in, and wouldn't call 911? Seriously?
I suppose it was the police departments fault for responding to a 911 call. Gates had no right to act the way he did, and Sgt. Crowley had every right to conduct a throrough investigation, which Gates refused to allow to happen.

This is all that had to happen:

Crowly: "I've got a report of a possible burglary at the residence, would u come outside please?"

Gates: "Oh, sure officer. This is my house, I was locked out. Everything is fine here."

Crowley: "Ok, do you mind if i see some ID?"

Gates: "Sure, here you go..."

Crowley: "Thank you Mr. Gates, sorry for disturbing you, have a nice night..."

END OF STORY. Instead, Gates decided he wanted to act like a bratty child, instead of a Harvard professor with friendly neighbors who look out for his property while he is away.

Son, you really need to resort to taking personal shots over the internet to make your point?
not everyone is going to agree with you my dude. And yeah, istick by my OG statement that i would b heated if i was a succesfull black man living in Cambridge, and the boys rolled up on me asking if i was breaking intomy own house. You weren't there and you don't know what happened. end of story.
The after-I-got-caught "Im not a racist, I swear I have so many black friends" excuse is always the most disgusting part about these incidents. So cowardly & B' made....
And NO, anyone would not flip out if they were in the professor's situation. again, here' show the situation would go with a NORMAL person: Crowley: "I've got a report of a possible breakin at this residence, would you step outside sir?"

Gates: "Oh, it was me, I was locked out. This is my house, everything is fine now."

Crowley: "Ok, can I see some ID?"

Gates: "Sure, here you go..."

Crowley: "Thank you, sorry for disturbing you, have a nice night Mr. Gates..."

END. How hard was that, seriously.

What kind of fairy tale life are you living?

First, I am an Asian American. When I first moved into my house in Huntington Beach, CA, a predominately upper middle class area, my neighbors called the copson me because they thought I was a burglar. All I was doing was dropping off things butt crack early AM before heading out to work that day.

Cops pulled up behind my truck, they got out yelling at me, pulled their GUNS out, told me to get on the ground, searched and handcuffed me and radioed forbackup. I kept telling em this is my house, look in my truck for the garage opener and keys, but they didn't want to hear any of that. They took my IDwhich didn't have the current address obviously because I just moved in a couple days prior and finally after calling the housing association to verifythat I was the true owner of the house I was let go. Did I have a right to be mad? Did I cooperate? Yes but the cops still had an attitude, said somethingabout mistakes happened, this and that, and left.

I immediately called my boy who is an attorney whom got the watch commander's name and the ending result? Those cops were written up.

So your little scenario situation only works if you live in a fairy tale with happy endings... or if you are... ahem WHITE.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by Chicken n Biscuits

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Chicken n Biscuits

Its pretty obvious some of you ( mainly jburner) dont know the characteristics of a racist. Its pretty ******ed to sit here and call the black guy a racist because of his outburst. Im probably 100% sure if the cop was black, the black professor wouldve went crazy regardless. Jburner needs to get in tune with reality

Really. So you believe that if Sgt. Crowley was black, that Gates would still have called him a racist? And I'm the one that needs to get in tune with reality? Its not the fact that Gates had an ouburst that makes him racist, because that just makes him a jack %!%. Its the fact that his whole outburst was based on calling Sgt. Crowley a racist, for no other reason than because the officer was white.

you are making no sense. I didnt read the part where the guy called the officer a racist but even so how does that make him a RACIST for accusing the officer of being a racist. Make sense when you speak. Thats the problem with todays society. We are throwing around the word racist so carelessly that we are forgetting the real definition of the word. Both the officer and the professor were in he wrong in this situation. This whole thread you have singled out the victim. ANYONE would flip out if someone was in the professor's situation.
I understand J-Burner's logic and its not that hard to understand... I don't agree with it completly, but he is making a valid point.

Both parties were wrong in this issue but I do believe that most of the blame should fall on Mr. Gates. I completely empathize with Mr. Gates behavior with police because If I were put in the same situation I would have probably acted similiarly. I think Mr. Gates went in the wrong when he racialized the issues and also showed a lack of self restraint and composure.

Do I think this was a case of racial profiling? No. As a person of african descent, when I first heard about this story I intially sided with Mr. Gates because of my own personal experiences with law enforcement. But once you dwevle into the details, it appears that Gates lost his cool, slandered the police officer, and then tried to use race to rally support behind himself.

I mean if you really think about it, even if Crowley didnt arrest Gates, Gates would still be in the wrong. I empathized with Gates at the begining but once you take a look at this from the officers perspective its not so clear cut. What would you do if you were just trying to do you job and some one was screaming at you and repeadiatly called you a racist when you were not? A person can only swallow their pride for so long. For Gates to continue to act recklessy after the officers verified his identity and began to leave is beyond me.

All gates had to do was handle the situation in a civilized manner by asking the officer what he was doing or who reported the incident. If Crowley was truly talking down to him or making racially inflamed statements he should of requested his badge number and used his influence as a Harvard professor to make sure he was reprimanded for his actions.

I don't see Gates as the victim in this situation it seems like he attempted to pull out the "black card" for a free "get out of trouble quick" but it back fired.

I agree with everything you said, but I think we should add that Crowley asked Gates to step outside of his house so that he could arrest him for disorderlyconduct. Seems to me that the arrest was kind of out of spite, eventhough Gates was wrong to blindly accuse racism, I think Crowley just made the situationworse by arresting him. Gates never committed any crime.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

And NO, anyone would not flip out if they were in the professor's situation. again, here' show the situation would go with a NORMAL person: Crowley: "I've got a report of a possible breakin at this residence, would you step outside sir?"

Gates: "Oh, it was me, I was locked out. This is my house, everything is fine now."

Crowley: "Ok, can I see some ID?"

Gates: "Sure, here you go..."

Crowley: "Thank you, sorry for disturbing you, have a nice night Mr. Gates..."

END. How hard was that, seriously.

What kind of fairy tale life are you living?

First, I am an Asian American. When I first moved into my house in Huntington Beach, CA, a predominately upper middle class area, my neighbors called the cops on me because they thought I was a burglar. All I was doing was dropping off things butt crack early AM before heading out to work that day.

Cops pulled up behind my truck, they got out yelling at me, pulled their GUNS out, told me to get on the ground, searched and handcuffed me and radioed for backup. I kept telling em this is my house, look in my truck for the garage opener and keys, but they didn't want to hear any of that. They took my ID which didn't have the current address obviously because I just moved in a couple days prior and finally after calling the housing association to verify that I was the true owner of the house I was let go. Did I have a right to be mad? Did I cooperate? Yes but the cops still had an attitude, said something about mistakes happened, this and that, and left.

I immediately called my boy who is an attorney whom got the watch commander's name and the ending result? Those cops were written up.

So your little scenario situation only works if you live in a fairy tale with happy endings... or if you are... ahem WHITE.

ahem...that's a 100% racist thing to say, and it isn't even remotely 100% true.
Originally Posted by Essential1

But Yeah you got me picked out clean man. Because I haven't sat on a porch with my black friends and when the security system went off, and a cop came. Two people living there showed id's, they never said anything but "I live here" and "Yes officer" "No officer", the cop says "should I know you?" "calls in the id of the oldest kid living there." and says "I may need back up" when a bunch of teens are sitting on a porch when an alrm goes off.

I haven't been in a car with a black kid as a cop mocks him for going to college for music.

I haven't busted my +$! doing community service in urban areas, I haven't seen the judicial system right in front of me the time I spent there day in, day out where people are harrassed where as, you could walk the street normally.

I haven't been stared at and given dirty looks, and shouted at because I was holding hands with a latin girl or a black girl.

"Racial tensions" is this case here. Slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, water hoses, billy clubs, and dogs is not racial tension that is racial oppression.

Blacks are not the only ones being discriminated against. But IN THIS COUNTRY, tell me one race even close to the discrimination level of blacks. Blacks,Muslims,Asains,Hispanics have been discriminated 1000000000000x more than any white person in this country.. Things I can do that a black person can't.. I can be in any nice neighborhood in the country. Find a non famous black guy in a nice car and rich neighborhood and see if he gets stopped.

You have been discriminated not because you were Jewish but because you are an ahole who thinks you are better than everyone. YOU NEVER HUMBLE YOURSELF. Never listen to anyone, and never try to relate with anyone. Black people rarely call white people names because you are white, it is because you are a prick. And bs you have been discriminated more than anyone here. I have been name called, laughed at, and ridiculed, called a "n-word lover" because "I don't help my own kind" as much as I do any other race.

And stop with the all black people want repirations crap.. It is such a small % it is probably the same number as Jewish people who want repirations. And ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THE MLK MARCH on Wash. or MILLION MAN MARCH because either way, you are an idiot, to think this country has been fair to blacks as they have been to whites.

Once again you prove you are an ignorant, hateful racist dbag. And BTW there were reparations for the Holocaust MAYBE YOU SHOULD READ SOME HISTORY.

Essential... You're alright in my book man....
Originally Posted by cartune

White people will never understand the black plight and vice versa.

Can you please elaborate? I honestly don't understand what the plight of white people could possibly me... I'm not trying to sound like a prick but yougotta see where I'm coming from.
Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

This whole thing is still going on? FACT: Racism is still alive... EDIT: especially in Boston

dude, again, are you serious? dudes on here stay making making things up and stating them like they'[re facts. boston is one of the most liberal, tolerant,etc. cities in the nation. i'd say among major cities it's second only to san francisco in that regard. times have changed dude.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

This whole thing is still going on? FACT: Racism is still alive... EDIT: especially in Boston

dude, again, are you serious? dudes on here stay making making things up and stating them like they'[re facts. boston is one of the most liberal, tolerant, etc. cities in the nation. i'd say among major cities it's second only to san francisco in that regard. times have changed dude.

ARE YOU KIDDING? Boston is one of the MOST racist cities in the country. They had segregated schools until the 1970's!! My uncle went to protest the schoolsystem's segregation and a bunch of Boston's classiest came over the hill into the field they were at with bats and guns to rid the protesters.It's liberal around the schools, but most students/teachers arent originally FROM Boston.
Originally Posted by Gello 201

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

This whole thing is still going on? FACT: Racism is still alive... EDIT: especially in Boston

dude, again, are you serious? dudes on here stay making making things up and stating them like they'[re facts. boston is one of the most liberal, tolerant, etc. cities in the nation. i'd say among major cities it's second only to san francisco in that regard. times have changed dude.

ARE YOU KIDDING? Boston is one of the MOST racist cities in the country. They had segregated schools until the 1970's!! My uncle went to protest the school system's segregation and a bunch of Boston's classiest came over the hill into the field they were at with bats and guns to rid the protesters. It's liberal around the schools, but most students/teachers arent originally FROM Boston.
as you said, that was 30 years ago. as i said, times have changed. anyone living in boston or with any actual awareness of how it is now wouldreadily back me up on what i'm saying.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Gello 201

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

This whole thing is still going on? FACT: Racism is still alive... EDIT: especially in Boston

dude, again, are you serious? dudes on here stay making making things up and stating them like they'[re facts. boston is one of the most liberal, tolerant, etc. cities in the nation. i'd say among major cities it's second only to san francisco in that regard. times have changed dude.

ARE YOU KIDDING? Boston is one of the MOST racist cities in the country. They had segregated schools until the 1970's!! My uncle went to protest the school system's segregation and a bunch of Boston's classiest came over the hill into the field they were at with bats and guns to rid the protesters. It's liberal around the schools, but most students/teachers arent originally FROM Boston.
as you said, that was 30 years ago. as i said, times have changed. anyone living in boston or with any actual awareness of how it is now would readily back me up on what i'm saying.

The nicer parts of Cambridge? Come on you know they dont like black folks around that way
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