Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Remember that 'flew too close to the sun' line in S05E03? Check this out:

In Season 4 Episode 7, Problem Dog, I noticed an interesting bit of dialog between Hank and Walt Jr.

They go into Pollos Hermanos for lunch and Walt Jr. is telling Hank about the brand new Challenger his dad bought him. Hank is curious why Walt up and bought it out of the blue. When he realizes Walt Jr. guilted his father into buying the car Hank says, "You flew too close to the sun."

I love this show.
I was thinking.. Maybe the baby Holly isn't walts. What if skylar had the kid with ted from a previous affair? Walt finds out and kills skylar or something dramatic to that effect. Something seems odd about how much she cares for ted

SON! :wow:

i said this while she was still pregg
Skylar bugging but bad guys gotta cheered on at some point after all she did cheat and gave plenty doe to TED **** about to get crazy
I think it's a reach. Holly was born at the end of season 2, way before Ted was in the picture. It would be way out of left field if they decided all of the sudden Skyler had an affair with Ted before ever introducing him to the show.

:nerd: :lol:
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Can people please start putting more than one image in spoilers. Don't ruin this thread.
i dont what am i missing? :nerd:

Despite everything Walt's done to earn his money, it doesn't seem to have brought him any real happiness. I think he makes these gestures from time to time ($100 tip for a free birthday breakfast, selling his Pontiac to the guy who fixed it for $50) to feel better about himself. He always seemes generous with helpful/kind people but doesn't think twice about distributing meth on a massive scale to a bunch of dealers and addicts.

Ahhhhhhh - in my braxton voice
Watch Walts reaction in the finale after Jesse tells him Brock is ok then leaves... You can see the exhaustion and relief from Walt because he thought Brock might really die. Obviously he didn't want to kill him, but he still could have died. Even if Walt was certain he would survive, poisoning a child is still ruthless.

That's why the writing of the show is excellent, you find yourself rooting for people you can't even decide are good or bad.

Skylar is damn annoying though, the episode two weeks ago was pretty week, but this past Sunday's was pretty good.
Despite everything Walt's done to earn his money, it doesn't seem to have brought him any real happiness. I think he makes these gestures from time to time ($100 tip for a free birthday breakfast, selling his Pontiac to the guy who fixed it for $50) to feel better about himself. He always seemes generous with helpful/kind people but doesn't think twice about distributing meth on a massive scale to a bunch of dealers and addicts.

His justification for producing is that if he doesn't make it, someone else will. He'd rather make a superior product while making that $$$ as well.
Are they trying to make you think the watch is a bomb or something at the end of the episode or what is the significance of the ticker?

Or maybe their saying 'Its only a matter of time' ?
Are they trying to make you think the watch is a bomb or something at the end of the episode or what is the significance of the ticker?

Or maybe their saying 'Its only a matter of time' ?

it reverts back to mike in season 5 ep 1

he told jesse that walts a ticking time bomb Tick, tick,tick,tick & he has no intentions of being around for the boom
it reverts back to mike in season 5 ep 1
he told jesse that walts a ticking time bomb Tick, tick,tick,tick & he has no intentions of being around for the boom
Maybe Jesse is the one running out of time
Walt and Jesse's relationship is running out of time.
It's a little unsettling to me how much everyone wants Skylar to die... meanwhile we watch Walt lie and kill and poison a child and no one is begging for him to die every episode. I get it, she sucks..

It's a little unsettling to me how much everyone wants Skylar to die... meanwhile we watch Walt lie and kill and poison a child and no one is begging for him to die every episode. I get it, she sucks..


I might be one of the few people who really likes Walt up to this point. He's heading down a road that's about to get really dark but I really feel like his hand was forced in so many situations and he's had to do what's necessary (rather than what's good) to save his family, Jesse and most of all himself along the way.
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