Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Is there a cure for ricin? I remember Walt poisoned Brock with the Lily of the Valley plant? Just curious.

Walt at one point mentioned he gave him just enough to get sick and not die. He needed to get Jesse to go against Gus.

Walt never gave Brock ricin. He gave him the plant that had ricin like effects. He was telling Jesse he knew exactly how much plant poison to give Brock, so he wouldn't have died.
Wow. Walt chose to die right next to what he loved most. But what are the police gonna suspect when they find Walt dead in that lab? That he was a victim this whole time? Idk. So brilliant

That he was still responsible for the blue meth on the streets
In a sense, he's still protecting Jesse by that assumption.

But it brings a bit of confusion about his NH plates car, him allegedly being in NM the whole time, and who killed everybody or why he suddenly to kill everybody(since his prints are all over that car).
It wasn't what I expected initially, but it was just about perfect.

As a single episode of the show, it had everything you wanted. Suspense.. Walt creeping around like a hipster Batman in people's house. The action where we finally see the M60 put to good use after soem clever hacking. Great acting performances, Walt's goodbye to Skyler and Holly.. laying down the law with Gretchen and Elliott, the Badger and Skinny Pete appearance :lol:. We had closure on all angles. Money will finally get to his kids, Hank and Gomez will get the respect they deserve when they find their bodies, Jesse was saved, Walt admits he did it for himself, he put a stop to the blue meth out there so no one will profit off his formula, everything but poor Huell was wrapped up :lol:

The cinematography was incredible as usual, the music, everything.. The quality never dipped at all.

I even found myself with a smile on my face at the end, just because it hit every mark I wanted and it was all you could ask for. One of the best shows of all-time.
The "I did it for me" scene: The show could have ended there and it would have been all right. Too powerful man
Such a great ending, everything was tied up so nicely. It will truly be missed.
I want the box set, but that price tag tho.
I hear there's an alternate ending :nerd:
Water sounded just like Mike when he told Elliott about the knife. Walter died a happy man. The more I think about it, the more I realize how perfect the ending was.
This dude todd even in the finale looking dumb as a bag of rocks :lol: how this guy has flashes of brilliance is beyond me

Too bad walt didnt tell him he killed lydia before he died.

This ***** todd went out like jabba the hut :lol:
Great ending. Anyone watching Talking Bad?? The scene with the former student would've been great, and a great link to Walt's start to all of this ...
Damn... I forgot about Huell

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