Breaking: Gentry Humphrey Headed Back to Jordan Brand

I would think OGs would continue with NA, while Retro+ would have the jumpman. They'll reduce the production volume of the latter to keep some hype, but release enough to drive the sales volume they need to hit their numbers. I really doubt gentry will have that kind of control; he'll be implementing a larger strategy that won't be fully controlled by him. They need to actually up the quality to stay competitive; going backwards would be a major issue for the brand reputation and sales.

I just hope the rumor about Tinker getting fired is not true; that would be more of a loss than any harm gentry could introduce.
Thought Tinker pretty much played a consultant role with Nike nowadays. Maybe not. Doubt the rumor is true though seeing how much hype they built around his sketch 3s. To me nowadays Nike would need Tink more than he would need Nike.
Can't find the video, but it was an interview with Tinker saying he's working on another idea to collaborate with Justin Timberlake on a different retro model, that JT doesn't even know about yet. So I highly doubt he's leaving Nik/JB.
What has hurt them is releasing all of these retro colorways that people don’t want.

Why not mass produce colorways that people want (bredtoes,Gold toes etc)?

If they would have scrap those reimagine 1s ones that were posted earlier and used that money it to took to redesign/create the shoes, into producing more pairs of the bredtoes/gold toes.

I mean wouldn’t they have written out a loss(reimagine 1s not selling), and gain more money from the bredtoes/goldtoes?

But I guess then again it really retailers that are really losing money, since I’m pretty sure they buy in bulk from Jordan Brand at a price and if the shoes don’t sell for the suggested price it’s a loss on them

But I get it JB cares about “exclusivity/keeping their brand hyped”
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I don't doubt that JB is aware of this thread and our concerns but the real question is do they really care? And, the answer is that they really better had because it's not 2006 anymore...
I had the black and red and gave them away after like 2 wears remember was the website to go to a while back

laney 60+ is fire IDC IDC IDC...

rarest joints are da grape 60+ that never made it state side.

what year did they retro the grape v? was it 2012 or 2013?

2013. May 4th I think. Sounds weird I remember that but I was just getting into sneakers and it was my second pair of retros ever. I had NO clue what to expect in terms of how hectic releases were. (Back in the day when it was Bot or Bust). Went on Eastbay 30 mins after they dropped, kept clicking ‘add to cart’ and cart jacked someone eventually. LOL
I'm Bittersweet about this, the only thing I'm looking forward to is some retro+ retros... I still have nightmares when I think about my military 4s probably the worst constructed sneaker ever released LOL
Thats not exactly correct, not interested in nmd or boost HB crap, I just want nike to stop pumping out garbage. They're destroying legendary silhouettes...
If I cared about addidas I wouldnt even know who Gentry was.>D I wish they would just discontinue Jordans if they aint gonna try to make em right, theyre not making basketball shoes anymore theyre making fruity lifestyle shoes.
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all this he moved unit talk is ridiculous, it was the explosion of the sneaker culture he just benefited from that, twitter social media was just taking off, hype beast wanted to out due each other, he is coming in to a completely different beast now, not to mention all these "high fashion" brands have had their hits as well. if tries to go back to those time Jordan brand will struggle hard. lebron kd and kobe were moving units too! lol
all this he moved unit talk is ridiculous, it was the explosion of the sneaker culture he just benefited from that, twitter social media was just taking off, hype beast wanted to out due each other, he is coming in to a completely different beast now, not to mention all these "high fashion" brands have had their hits as well. if tries to go back to those time Jordan brand will struggle hard. lebron kd and kobe were moving units too! lol

Exactly, all of these social media platforms snowballed a speculative market. That market is gone now and that's why sneakers ain't moving.

A lot of people have gone because they grow up and grow out. Michael Jordan is old news, and younger catz don't have no connection towards him. Jordan's have fallin wayside of AF1's and Nike Dunks now. And it aint no comin back.

Gentry ain't gon change nothin.
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Exactly, all of these social media platforms snowballed a speculative market. That market is gone now and that's why sneakers ain't moving.

A lot of people have gone because they grow up and grow out. Michael Jordan is old news, and younger catz don't have no connection towards him. Jordan's have fallin wayside of AF1's and Nike Dunks now. And it aint no comin back.

Gentry ain't gon change nothin.

the only thing he can add to the equation is more decline or at best keeping the status quo.

Lets be honest recent jordans ain't worth retail, let alone resale.
OG or not gr jordans aint good for resale anymore and thats why kids don't want em.
If they have to make them limited just to make quality shoes then so be it, but if they have to sacrifice quality and comfort just to make more pairs N/A or not they can keep em.

The problem is the kids buying this junk dont care about quality or comfort they'd rather buy something they have no interest in just for the potential flip.

So they can buy something limited like off white which is more appealing to them because they're "rare" and they don't actually care about OG's, they just wanna stunt at the mall/school tryna dress like these "rappers" and what not.

Like stop playing and just make a proper looking chicago 1!

If and when they get the jordan molds looking right, or even get their first N/A retro release since the OG, jordans wont be relevant to the majority of people still buying sneakers, their core market will have very little interest by then, most older folks already done spending money w/ them unless their kids are asking for a pair, which is definitely declining and will only continue because most kids have no interest or connection with this brand, besides a few lame rappers or wearing them due to peer pressure haha, which is why the kids want nmd and boost, cuz they friends and drake got em on in pics.

the og jordans which most jordan fans find most appealing are getting neglected for the sake of pumping out retro plus cw that are either boring or ugly, and fusion etc.
Theres a ton of OG CW many of us will never see an accurate looking retro of, or they'll be butchered by poor craftsmanship. Either way who cares at this point.

They acting like jordans wouldn't sell if they OG's got the retro treatment more frequently but in smaller quantities with accurate molds, quality materials and design details. It really wouldnt matter how many times they restocked, or re released IF THEY WERE QUALITY.

They don't care about style comfort or quality at all anymore just profits, which is why they started mass production of these "remastered jordans" which are just the same uncomfortable oddly shaped paper thin retros we been getting just slap on N/A or an OG box for some additional hype and slightly better midsole paint, but then the tones of the colors are all wrong.

Done with this brand, they've gone too far, we done w/ the banana boats, bad CW's and over saturation. Stop mass producing poor quality products, they just gonna sit even if fools wanna double up, and if you make them any more limited and don't improve on quality and craftsmanship people are just going to notice comlain and realize it's not worth their time.

JB is damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Jordans will only become ‘cool’ again if they stop producing them and people run out of pairs. The market is just over-saturated. You’re right about kids these days having no connection to Mike, but that hasn’t stopped this generation from trying to ride this fake vintage 90s wave that they have no connection to (vintage rap tees, Ralph retros, etc). Bottom line is Js aren’t seen as staples by this generation; they are just seen as items with brand recognition that are perceived as exclusive. That exclusivity has been eroded from years of two retros dropping every week.
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