Broken Bone Stories

Broke my left wrist when my big brother tossed me off the top bunk a la undertaker tossing mankind off the hell in the cell when I was 4.

Fractured my right wrist in a car accident last summer.
when i was 10 running and tripping broke my pinky

how did you break your arm at 6 flags? :x
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Never broke a bone and that's after falling out of two trees, losing footing coming down from a dunk on a concrete court, falling off the back of a moving Ryder truck and falling out of a swing at the up part. My dad always made me drink milk and water as a kid. No juice

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broke both wrists, two different times.

broken collar bone

torn meniscus and acl

broke my left humerus in half at the end of january of this year skateboarding way fast.
Never broke a bone and that's after falling out of two trees, losing footing coming down from a dunk on a concrete court, falling off the back of a moving Ryder truck and falling out of a swing at the up part. My dad always made me drink milk and water as a kid. No juice


pics :nerd:
8th grade. I was getting my Penny Hardaway on hanging on the rim with one arm (goal wasn't regulation of course). Hand slipped and in the process of trying to break the the fall I landed on my right wrist and broke it in 3 places. My fingers were locked in a gang throwing-like position momentarily and I proceeded to show it off and get a drink of water before telling the coach what happened. Coach grabs a ruler, tape and a Sports Illustrated magazine and then sends me to the nurse so they can call mom dukes. I sat in emergency for 3 hours before I got it set by the doc and in a cast.
fractured my arm when i was a kid. hurt like a B-word. I was in 5th grade at the time and after getting off the bus we play tag heading home. I was running and a kid tagged me from behind and I feel and landed on my wrist. I was pretty chubby at that age too so that didn't help :rolleyes Whats worse is that no one was home and I had to wait like 2 hours before my parents came home to take me to the hospital. :smh: I was just crying for like 2 hours... :lol: definitely a sad day indeed.
yo how did you break your arm on a roller coaster...:rolleyes summers right around the corner and with movies like final destination I always feel uneasy about riding roller coasters :lol: I still go but before taking off I swear I always think for the worse. :smh: I ain't tryna lose a leg or break an arm either.
Wow at these stories, makes mine look like a cake walk. Well, two weeks ago I got in a car accident and fractured my left index finger. I must have hit it on the steering wheel during impact. Very fortunate it wasnt much worse, so although it is very inconvenient not much to complain about. Only broken/fractured bone in 33yrs of life. Knock on wood.
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Ill make this short.

Was playing basketball grab the rebound on the other end of the court. Push the ball to my team goal I see a lane towards the goal so I picked up speed to take off. As im getting in the motion to dunk dude in front of me decides to stop while im in the air.

I have no where to go so try to brace my fall.....Big mistake

Tried to play thru the pain while not able to lift my arm. After 5 min of play I gave up and drove him. Got to the crib and chilled for about a hour or two until I couldnt bare the pain. Got to the doctor when he told me the news.

This is why I dont ball as hard as I use to because of dudes that are not as good do dumbs thing to get u injured.
back when i still lived in the philippines, when I was about 10/11, me and my homies were playing dodgeball (It was a day after heavy raining). So my bud kicked this rubber ball out of frustration and it got stuck on a tree. So i said, f*** it lemme get this ball despite knowing that the tree was a little slippery (moss and s***). Anyways, as I was reaching for tha ball, I slipped and my right wrist broke my fall
 .. I landed on some dog s*** too

I went home and didnt tell my mom, but when I looked at my wrist
 it was swollen as f*** and I didn't wanna tell my mom cause she was just gonna make a big deal out of it (she was a nurse). Went to school for about 3 days with a broken wrist and finally decided to tell moms

What pissed me off was I didn't eem get the ball, and my favorite shorts were ruined after landing on some dog poop

Learned how to write with my left hand
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