Calling all Respiratory Therapist !!!

Feb 22, 2005
So after 2 years of taking prereqs and reapplying I have finally made it into a Respiratory Therapy program.

Any current RTs care to share some tips, why you became an RT?
How is your experience as a RT right now?
Do you like you job or did you wish you pick something else?
and how hard was it to find a job?

Im really nervous because I'm not sure what to expect, but at the same time excited to finally work towards something that maybe will be my future career.
Good luck. I got kicked out after my first year :smh:. The ventilator equation charts and pharmacology class overwhelmed me. I studied my butt off but I wasn't understanding the material anymore. I did well in my clinicals though and enjoyed it. There seemed to be a lot of down time during their shifts. They have a reputation of being the laziest in the hospital which I don't think is fair to say. All the magazine reading and tv watching in the break rooms might've contributed to that.
Hi, congratulations! I've been a respiratory therapist for 22 years and have much to share. Check out my website  The first entry is "Why I'm a Respiratory Therapist". I wish you much success. Kim


Good luck. I got kicked out after my first year :smh:. The ventilator equation charts and pharmacology class overwhelmed me. I studied my butt off but I wasn't understanding the material anymore. I did well in my clinicals though and enjoyed it. There seemed to be a lot of down time during their shifts. They have a reputation of being the laziest in the hospital which I don't think is fair to say. All the magazine reading and tv watching in the break rooms might've contributed to that.

what did you decide to do after being kicked out?
Just graduated earlier this month from an RT program. I just took my CRT exam and passed it first try. Currently studying for the written RRT and clinical simulations.

My advice to you is learn all you can and try to do everything as a student intern during your clinical rotations. Don't get frustrated by vents. I went almost half way through my vent class before something just "clicked" in my head and it all started to make sense.

STUDY STUDY STUDY and then retain the knowledge. I can't stress that enough. It will pay off when you take your state board exams. It's easier to just review stuff before the boards than to have to re-learn everything again because you memorized stuff for a school exam just to forget it the next day. I was guilty of this. The teacher called us "catch and releasers".

As far as the "lazy RT" stereotype goes... That's kind of true of any field. I've met some brilliant RT's that actually know their stuff and know the cardiopulmonary system better than some doctors. I've also met some lazy "treatment jockey" RT's that just clock in, throw on a few treatments, press a few buttons on a vent, and then wait to clock out. The lazy stereotype is more than likely perpetuated by nurses. They think they're hot stuff until a code blue pops off. That's when they start hollering for an RT to come through and try to save the patient.

That's all I kind of have right now. Best of luck to you tho!

what did you decide to do after being kicked out?
I'll be done with my business management degree in a few semesters then applying for grad school. Very different from health science and the material is really easy. People suggested I apply for radiology, maybe i'll look into it if i'm not happy career-wise.

As far as the "lazy RT" stereotype goes... That's kind of true of any field. I've met some brilliant RT's that actually know their stuff and know the cardiopulmonary system better than some doctors. I've also met some lazy "treatment jockey" RT's that just clock in, throw on a few treatments, press a few buttons on a vent, and then wait to clock out. The lazy stereotype is more than likely perpetuated by nurses. They think they're hot stuff until a code blue pops off. That's when they start hollering for an RT to come through and try to save the patient.
I've experienced the same thing. It was usually nurses saying that stuff to me too :lol:. My lab professor was a genius and like an encyclopedia. I don't think i've ever been that intimated by a professor before. He was also a real estate lawyer who had written a book which I found weird. He's been teaching a long time and there are a lot of his former students in the hospitals in my area. I was doing my clinicals and one of the rt's told me how my professor came in to the hospital to give a seminar. He fell asleep for a little bit and when he woke up the professor gave him a death stare.
Just wanted to throw in some other perspective. I just graduated in May with my ASN. One of my good friends that came out of class was a RT. She said she decided to become a nurse because RT didn't pay all that well and that there is only so much you can do/only so high up you can go with a RT job. She was/is super smart and knew cardiopulmonary inside and out and I saw her many a times jump in on a code blue during clinical. I saw both types of RT's while doing clinical. Some RT's would explain their procedures to the patients and allay their fears. Other RT's wouldn't say a single word to the patient or anyone in the room and just do their quick little neb treatment and dip out. Hopefully you will be the former of the two.

Just curious, what is it about RT that caught your eye versus other health care fields?
Just curious, what is it about RT that caught your eye versus other health care fields?

Well in my college they offered RT and Surg Tech anything else like radiology or nursing I had to transfer out, so it was more convenient to take RT and i knew some people that entered the program. Nursing program would have been my other choice, but its so competitive around my area that I could have almost perfect grades and not get in, so i would have to take more classes waste more time and money. With the RT program I had a better chance of getting in and hopefully get a job quicker.
Anyone else have any word on this? I was thinking about doing it? Anyone know Jon outlook and pay in Cali?
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