Can Someone Recommend Me A Good Book?

May 26, 2005
So my job is pretty boring and has plenty of downtime with me just bored as heck. I don't do much reading and have read few books for my own enjoyment,most of my reading was done for high school and college courses.

I like alot of the books I read in high school and college but just don't know where to go when picking a book up on my own.

My favorite books are
- Les Miserables(favorite)
- Animal Farm
- To Kill A Mocking Bird
- Julius Caesar
- The Yankee Years

I'm down to read anything from a really good biography, sports, crime or pretty much anything. I would prefer if the book was famous like the ones Ilisted. Thanx guys, any help is appreciated.
catcher in the rye is good. im sure plenty of ppl will tell ya that. also try crazy horse electric game

Supposedly he was a crip at like 8 yrs old, catchin bodies & all that...

Crazy story, wish theyd do a movie out of it....

Read that a long time ago, not really into gangster tales but i enjoyed that one...
(basing on your name being "GoodfellaDave") check out Mario Puzo novels, like Omerta & Last Don. Both were great reads imo

Originally Posted by Durden7

I just finished "The Paradox of Choice".

Amazing book.
Might check this book out...

Anways, most of the books i read in HS were great books. You guys mentioned; Catcher in the Rye, others are Of Mice and Men, The Circuit, Breaking Through....
"Cows, pigs, wars and witches" by Aronson?

Takes an Anthropological and Psychological diagnosis of every religion (doesn't prove them as frauds but exposes how the human mind "created"each religion) EXCELLENT READ
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