~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

^If he wasnt famous and if I saw him on the streets, I'd figure he is going to ask me for some change or try to sell me his struggle cd(mixtape).
For real.

"Hey man can i talk to you for a minute?? Im not gonna ask u for no money i just wanna talk.........my car broke down and im just tryna get a lil bit o gas.........."
- guaranteed a wdywt search on ig will turn up outfits like that very soon.
- i dont knock kanye fit though. sometimes I don't care and just put on w.e. depending where i go. being who he is though he'll always have pics snapped on him and be judged like it's a fashion statement.
-that stonecold steve austin jersey >>>>>>

I bet you wear dark color blue jeans with horrible cuff........maybe even NT denim at times if you wear basketball/mid/hi top sneakers. So I expect that from you. Straight up. Sall good.

He only tours venues and clubs on the regular, overseas too........

Everyone has diff music taste.
Why this dude always lookin at the floor ??? Look like he lacks self esteem. Stand up straight and look forward like a man
Why this dude always lookin at the floor ??? Look like he lacks self esteem. Stand up straight and look forward like a man

Staring off/looking at the ground does not mean low self esteem :lol:

Indirect contact, most of the times means "I don't respect you" or, simply, stay out of my face.

Learn the artistry of eye contact bruh :pimp:
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