Chinese Tourists Scream & Flee As Glass- bottomed Walkway over 3,540ft Cliff Shatters vol Made In Ch

May 25, 2001

View media item 1738405View media item 1738406View media item 1738407View media item 1738408View media item 1738409It has only been open 2 weeks. Crack was caused by a dropped stainless steel mug
A spokesman at the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Spot confirmed that a piece of glass had indeed broken on the walkway; the management had evacuated tourists and closed the passage for further notice.

The spokesman said the cracks occurred after a tourist dropped a stainless steel mug on the walkway. However, he said only one out of the three layers of glass broke, so the tourists were not in danger.

The incident happened during China's week-long National Day holiday when 532 million people are expected to make domestic trips.

Management at the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Spot released a statement today through People's Daily Online.

The statement said their staff noticed a few cracks near the exit of the glass-bottomed platform during regular checks, and due to safety concerns, a decision has been made to close the platform.

The document confirmed the cracks were caused by the impact of a sharp object, but it stressed that the floor of the platform is made with three layers of toughened glass, so the incident did not affect its safety.
The see-through platform on Yuntai Mountain opened to the public on September 20.

According to its press release, 223 feet out of the 853-foot-long platform is paved with three layers of one-inch-thick glass panes, which is expected to bear the weight of at least 800 kilograms.

In recent years, glass-bottomed walkways have become incredibly popular for Chinese thrill-seekers.

More and more tourism sites are constructing viewing platforms over steep vertical drops to attract visitors.

Most recently, a 984-foot-long glass-bottomed bridge has been built over a 590-foot-high canyon in Hunan, central China.
Why the hell would you make a bridge out of glass?!

Sounds dumb as hell to me.

That's when you know you are doing too much
SO that gimmicky skywalk out in AZ near Las Vegas has quite a few protocols set in place to prevent this. They wear booties over their shoes, or no shoes at all. No cameras, or any other carry on type item. Tons of lockers to lock stuff away.

They may have been onto something.

The Chinese just go about it all willy nilly.
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Why do they skimp at places/times when safety is involved? This is worse than their man eating escallators because they won't pay like $1 to put a solid 2x2ft piece of plywood or metal over the engine at the top
Do they still have overpopulation? They trying to get rid of their people in the guise of accidents.
made in china clothes, fine.

made in china toys, fine.

made in china food, ehhh

made in china glass bridge, hell no.
Why do they skimp at places/times when safety is involved? This is worse than their man eating escallators because they won't pay like $1 to put a solid 2x2ft piece of plywood or metal over the engine at the top

Building codes and infrastructure. Building standards (pertaining to all construction projects) in many countries range from poor to non-existent. When an earthquake hits a third world country in Central America, thousands of people die. When the same magnitude quake hits LA, maybe a handful of people die, and half of them will be due to a heart attack or some dumb ish.
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im not scared of heights but vertigo is chance id walk on that thing...

i didn't eem like going out into the skywalk of the Sears tower...
figured this would happen when i heard about this.

Why the hell would you make a bridge out of glass?!

Sounds dumb as hell to me.

That's when you know you are doing too much

well the chicago glass floor thing cracked a while back.
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