Chocolate earth

so i'm guessing the "flat earthers" granted you exclusive permission to speak upon their community? interesting, how did you receive such a privilege? 

btw stop saying youre playing devil's advocate...even the devil is smart enough not to advocate this foolishness 
what I said was tongue-in-cheek :lol:
The videos prove they're points they have simple observations in them fam... The videos are their evidence...disregard them if you want .... I can't really give a citation to a video all I can do is post the link take it or leave it bruh...
And my simple observations upon looking at your reply is that you're a 30 year old man who does not know how to properly use there, their, and they're in a sentence correctly... but you're so well researched in "big sciences" yet can't formulate a sentence? you have the nerve to try to correct me? 

btw if you know anything about the field of science, you should already know that all claims should be presented with credible evidence, if you've taken a "big science" course in college you would know better but clearly you haven't
so i'm guessing the "flat earthers" granted you exclusive permission to speak upon their community? interesting, how did you receive such a privilege? 

btw stop saying youre playing devil's advocate...even the devil is smart enough not to advocate this foolishness 

I'm sorry and big science granted you permission to speak on their behalf? Didn't think so...and just stop bro... All I'm saying is I've taken a good look into what flat earthers believe.... I can empathize with why they think such things.... Have you honestly really looked into what they're saying ? Cause I know what big science says... Centrifugal force, inertia, Gravity, Coriolos effect etc
I think homie is having a crisis of faith and he's entertaining this flat earth foolishness because if it's true then that means that God is real
At this point, there is no debating, arguing, what have you, kuz he is klearly not listening to reason, acknowledging fakts, n kontinues to cite a yt video as his kredible source. Youre right man, the earth is flat, i now realize the error in my ways n have seen the light. If you choose to do field research, i will help fund your trek past antarktica kuz i want some of those riches they hiding over yonder.
I'm sorry and big science granted you permission to speak on their behalf? Didn't think so...and just stop bro... All I'm saying is I've taken a good look into what flat earthers believe.... I can empathize with why they think such things.... Have you honestly really looked into what they're saying ? Cause I know what big science says... Centrifugal force, inertia, Gravity, Coriolos effect etc
actually I have been taught by and wrote papers graded by scientists and mathematicians who have made significant contributions to the "big science" field so yes believe I am qualified to speak on their behalf...ever heard of michio kaku? He wrote me a letter of recomendation for medical school
Flat earthers responses ultimately always end up being the same. Something like "do the research, man" or "look into it more and you'll see". Never can they put together a legitimate point that isn't just telling you to look up a YouTube video.
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And my simple observations upon looking at your reply is that you're a 30 year old man who does not know how to properly use there, their, and they're in a sentence correctly... but you're so well researched in "big sciences" yet can't formulate a sentence? you have the nerve to try to correct me? 

btw if you know anything about the field of science, you should already know that all claims should be presented with credible evidence, if you've taken a "big science" course in college you would know better but clearly you haven't

Good catch,on the grammatical error I made;out of all the post today using their [emoji]128580[/emoji][emoji]128580[/emoji]
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actually I have been taught by and wrote papers graded by scientists and mathematicians who have made significant contributions to the "big science" field so yes believe I am qualified to speak on their behalf...ever heard of michio kaku? He wrote me a letter of recomendation for medical school


That's so awesome man
The earth is neither flat or round. Everything has four points so the earth is a little bit of both, because the eat his constantly shifting.
Bro most our post have errors it's a message board just writing clear enough to get my point!!!

Kind of like how you forgot the apostrophe on that's? Or how you said, " everyone of my post is an error." Should be has an error, that's bad form... See I can do it too
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Bro most our post have errors it's a message board just writing clear enough to get my point!!!

Kind of like how you forgot the apostrophe on that's? Or how you said, " everyone of my post is an error." Should be has an error, that's bad form... See I can do it too
I wasn't referring to your grammar there but nice to see you can follow my posts literally and not contextually, but whatever i'll stop it's like responding to a wall
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I wasn't referring to your grammar there but nice to see you can follow my posts literally and not contextually, but whatever i'll stop it's like responding to a wall
Well your last post was referring to a grammatical error... The natural assumption would be to think that's what you were still talking about.

But naw don't quit ... You've got me intrigued. You're more well versed in science then myself.. I've only ever had slightly more then a cursory interest ...but I'd like to pick your brain about what they flat earthers say... I just ask we keep it civil. All the snark doesn't help the debate man... That's a fact... So let's drop the B.S. And actually have a discussion like grown men.
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the "debate", ain't no ******* debate [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
forreal idk why i even bothered with dude so its not up for debate the earth aint flat man 
Especially olmecs
The earth is sh
4th dimension

mathematically there are 5th...6th....100th

i think at a certain point dimension becomes thought.

my brain cannot even comprehend the 100th.

and there are probably things that live on that.
Everything has 4 dimensions, hence open Quadrants = 4. A circle and cube are both 360 degrees. Lock this thread up I've proven that the world is not flat or round. It's more like a cubed sphere that is constantly shifting.
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