Christian Militia allegedly planned on going to War with USA

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by imajaywalker

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

LOL i thought it said Christina Millian

man same here

I was ready to be like **% kind of publicity stunt is this?

I thought the %%+$# defected back to cuba or something
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

The article clearly states that they were only a Christian Militia, not a terrorist organization. Obviously they can't be terrorists, they aren't Muslims! They're good Christians! Everyone knows good Christians can't be terrorists.

Really though. I'm not really the type to complain about the media but they really earned a
with this one. I wonder, are they gonna throw these guys in Guantanamo where they keep the rest of the (mostly innocent) terrorists?
1st wrong step of the christian militia...

They're idiots for putting up a site with videos of them traning..
Pretty crazy, I'm glad they got them.
BTW, Guantanamo Bay is going to get shut down pretty soon.
I'm glad they stopped these dudes before they harmed anyone. Stop using God to kill people, sheesh.
Would I be unique if I said I thought that this thread was talking about Christina Millian?

But really, this just proves that crazies come from all walks of life, and not just the ones that we are taught to be the only crazies.
I thought this was going to be a thread full of idiots who cant read

I was right tho..
This country us being pushed to the edge.... White bread Americans take the constitution very seriously, and when u have Barry Obama , central banks and phony politicians disregarding the peoples choice u will get pockets of resistence that will act out in the name of liberty and freedom... Sone people just hate the fact that a black man is making the final descision but if he was a white guy the press wouldn't hype it up as much... I for one know where we are headed , I just don't know how long it shall be before we get there....
devildog1776 wrote:
This country us being pushed to the edge.... White bread Americans take the constitution very seriously, and when u have Barry Obama , central banks and phony politicians disregarding the peoples choice u will get pockets of resistence that will act out in the name of liberty and freedom... Sone people just hate the fact that a black man is making the final descision but if he was a white guy the press wouldn't hype it up as much... I for one know where we are headed , I just don't know how long it shall be before we get there....
The country is not being pushed to the edge.... RACIST BIGOTS are being pushed to the edge...

They don't love this country.. They have no clue what this country even **%%!@+ means...........

And If you are talking about harm to the president (I am not sure if you are)... It will be the worst choice ever...  This country will fall apart and be 100x more divided than it already is.. And that harm will be what officially kills this country.....  I really hope and pray that does not happen...
I hope people realize as Chomsky pointed out so often, the bias is on a level that exceeds "conservative vs liberal" media.

The American agenda pervades both at a certain point.

And when you see this and have no one come and make the point to defeat the very notion that they started (All Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim), it screams American agenda.

I hope people can recognize that.
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