Clash Of Clans - Epic Combat Strategy Game for iOS & Android

Just left my clan cause dudes wasnt attacking in clan wars and not donating enough I need a new clan asap lol
Look my clan up. Always active, 35 war wins, donate level 5 and 6 troops. Clan name: TheGuild
Writing "Tap Tap Pull NT General Sasha Grey" on the clan join message could help get you in Real Niketalk...just sayin'.
My clan in at 54 wins..
Loving the new update...
Level 7 archers and barbarians
Faster healing time for your barb King
New dark elixir troop called lava hound
Upgrade walls with elixir or gold
You don't have to dump troops in single player mode if you don't want them..
More updates, but I think these are my favorites
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I saw on the update it said you can upgrade walls with elixir how do you do that? On my game it's only allowing to level up with gold.
Started playing a few days ago.. don't get the game..have walls but these fools jumping my walls and stealing all my resources no problem 

The first couple guys weren't succesful but the last like 3 have been 100%.. am I supposed to build a wall behind every single item of worth.. like my gold and elixir storages/townhall plus defensive things like mortars and such?
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Lol they either have hogs or the jumping spell.

Id google some base images i've posted mine in here along with others to give you an idea of how to build your base.
The thing i did first was work on my troops.. you need strong troops to raid. I didn't care about the mining, i just wanted to attack..
Lol they either have hogs or the jumping spell.

Id google some base images i've posted mine in here along with others to give you an idea of how to build your base.

You can Google based on what level townhall you have and they have recommendation for if you want to setup for clan wars or just to protect yourself others attacking you and such
Alright cool.. will google my level/town hall and go from there.. need to build a better base 

And Triz I haven't eem thought about attacking something yet 
That's the fun part... cook troops and raid people all day.. take the loot and use it towards your base... practice raiding in the goblin mode..
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