Classified U.S. Military video depicting slaying of Iraqis

Some of that stuff really did look like guns, and if that was a camera man one of them was leaning against a wall as if he was hiding.

They wouldn't have been allowed to fire if they're weren't shots fired in the area previously, why would they think an Iraqi news crew is in the area during a war?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

It just makes me sick that this lil dweeb
went to whatever lengths he probably went to just to get this 'classified' video.� Then to release this 'classified' video which will not only jeopardize the US mission in Iraq but to also endanger our friends/family who are out there and countless other innocent Iraqis that will probably be in the cross fire in the next month.��

Insurgents don't need much to HYPE em.� So guess what this video is going to do?� If you saw this video and was disgusted guess what these dudes are going through?�


More suicide bombings.� More innocents dead. Just watch what happens in the next week.�
AR made everything else clear, but to make a point about this:

The insurgency is not on huffingtonpost.  They aren't watching al jazeera and bbc.  They know this happened, they have been seeing it happen with their own eyes day in and day out.  They are living this.

The reason why suicide bombings and innocent lives are being lost is ALREADY due to these acts.  Bringing international attention through this will have absolutely no impact on them at all.  The level of carnage in Iraq will continue unaffected.
Originally Posted by Iansmk


case closed
People carry guns in Iraq in the open.  Everyone does.  It isn't enough reason to go about attacking people.

The helicopters were called into support soldiers that were supposedly under fire.  Where these men in positions of attack?  No, they were just standing around.

Some of that stuff really did look like guns, and if that was a cameraman one of them was leaning against a wall as if he was hiding.

Every single Apache helicopter hasextremely high resolution color cameras with powerful telephoto lenses. Ifthe pilots had simply used these lenses to confirm their suspicions (like they are supposed to) they would have seen what theywere in fact about to engage, and avoid killing innocent people.
Lets just completely forget about the videos of non muslim journalists getting tortured then decapitated.

They aren't American they don't know any better.
Wow that gunner needs to be charged with murder and the ones who authorized the shooting. Yes this will get those insurgenants fired up, but the gunner should have never fired on them. We need to pull out never should have went in!
Originally Posted by mikykr20

oh you silly libs make me giggle...
This has nothing to do with Liberal or Conservative, its knowing the difference between whats right and whats wrong.
I would have blasted them too...and I don't give a flip what you libs have to say about that either...
Originally Posted by mikykr20

I would have blasted them too...and I don't give a flip what you libs have to say about that either...

stop trying to spark a liberal vs conservative argument idiot.
It has everything to do with it... see libs are blind and will believe and say what ever in order to make the military look as bad as they possibly can... a non lib can see that this is an obvious attempt to spew out propaganda and hate rhetoric towards the US military
2 words. trigger happy.

you guys are aware that once ground support came in, a tank rolled over one of the victims right? so what's that tell you of the mentality and level of humanity of these soldiers?

they're not fighting for "freedom", they just wanna shoot !@$# and they do it because they can.

this is not to generalize all soldiers but just the ones committing such heinous acts
Originally Posted by mikykr20

It has everything to do with it... see libs are blind and will believe and say what ever in order to make the military look as bad as they possibly can... a non lib can see that this is an obvious attempt to spew out propaganda and hate rhetoric towards the US military


There really isn't anything else to say. I hope you don't actually believe all that though.
Originally Posted by mikykr20

It has everything to do with it... see libs are blind and will believe and say what ever in order to make the military look as bad as they possibly can... a non lib can see that this is an obvious attempt to spew out propaganda and hate rhetoric towards the US military
the military is not necessarily a bad institution.  it was necessary when WWII took place.  a man by the name of hitler was trying to take over the world, it was needed.  the current US military is being used by corporations to destroy and rebuild foreign countries.  They destroy the old infrastructure/political landscapes and construction corps. rebuild from the ground up making them lots of money, while placing political power in those regions.  and the oil seems to be a commodity worth mentioning. 

do you think land and oil are worth more than human life?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by mikykr20

It has everything to do with it... see libs are blind and will believe and say what ever in order to make the military look as bad as they possibly can... a non lib can see that this is an obvious attempt to spew out propaganda and hate rhetoric towards the US military


There really isn't anything else to say. I hope you don't actually believe all that though.

he supports sarah palin, don't expect much from him

it's almost humorous how people dismiss things like this, and wonder why people have hatred toward Americans...
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Not saying it's right but military atrocities are committed on every side of the battlefield in every war.

This is not new nor is it uncommon.

I don't see the outrage when you put it into perspective that here in Los Angeles gang members shoot up random dudes after not responding correctly to "where are you from" or shooting up entire blocks to get at dudes that aren't even in their crib hitting multiple civilians and children.
I don't think ANYONE here that hasn't been to Iraq or Afghanistan can speak on any of us. many soldiers going in just to pay for school and get some money can quickly switch once the thread of insurgents is imminent...not to say it's necessary but most have no %*+#+%# idea of what is going on over there.
Originally Posted by Iansmk


case closed
One crew member said: "Initially there were probably about 10 to 15guys that were kind of gathering, so that's what keyed us in on whereto start looking. At first, we picked out an AK-47, and then wecontinued to watch and picked out another AK-47. We picked out a guywho had something slung across his back, couldn't identify what itwas." Then they opened fire.
besides...b/c someone is merely carrying a gun in a war zone... and NOT firing at anyone... they're allowed to engage?
I saw this yesterday...just made me sad

btw... watch the longer 35+ minute unedited vid (without the commentary) as it they blow up a building where "insurgents" entered..
as they're about to fire a missile...a guy is walking down the street right in front of the building..  do they wait until he passes by?... nope.
I'm surprised at how much opposition this thread has received. I was hoping a break in reporting like this would bring out a more unanimous public opinion.

But you can't use empirical evidence to combat irrationality.
Dam thats crazy..
but i somehow understand..its kill or be killed.
We are in a foreign area against people that hate our guts.
How would we feel if they had shoot down the apache?
What are we gonna tell their mothers or wifes or family?
It goes both ways guys..and i rather be on the end were I survive.
How would we feel if they had shoot down the apache?
these dudes are so far away they can't make out objects that the people are carrying.
I don't think these dudes in the helicopter where in any immediate danger.
There's no excuse for something like this but it needs to be seen in the correct context.
War causes people to operate under extreme stress for prolonged periods of time and the human psyche is very fickle as it is. Events like these are the reason that War should be the last resort. This is commonplace in war. That's not an excuse. It's a mere reflection of what war is. That's why "nation building" through war is irrational.
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