LOL at Salvadorian thing. So true.

Jalisco girls are my fave :pimp: That mass and those eyes.

Had a girl from Sinaloa like the one posted here. Yambs was great and she tasted so damn good :smh:. Damn missin her now haha
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how they not find her location if shes posting all these photos

Notice what's in every picture? Here's a tip: the answer is guns. Even if they wanted to go and round up all these people, they'd have a hard time since they have military-level training and military-grade weaponry to go with it. But they don't want to do that. Why?

Those cartels don't play. The govt (on both sides of the border) knows where and how the different organizations operate. Hell, the DEA and Sinaloa have been working together for years. :lol:
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Mexicans are big on plastic surgery...fake booties everywhere out my way..I don't know about yall but I just cant appreciate a silicon injected one
It seems NTers have never heard of paramilitary troops.

Waco 93 took 50+ days. I doubt a cartel is less armed than those guys.

Whose gonna run up a Mexican cartel? They are as ready as any federal task force, U.S or other wise.
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damn that crazy, my last name is the same as hers and I'm also from sinaloa, i wonder if I'm related to the ***** 
Ignorant how? Because you may or may not be Mexican and take offense?

Mexican's are big on plastic surgery?

Is this something you know for a fact or is this something you've seen on IG and assumed.

Full blooded Mexican here. Born and raised in Merica' I've seen every single type of Mexican possible. To say this comment means you really haven't been around my people. So yes it is an ignorant comment.
Mexican's are big on plastic surgery?

Is this something you know for a fact or is this something you've seen on IG and assumed.

Full blooded Mexican here. Born and raised in Merica' I've seen every single type of Mexican possible. To say this comment means you really haven't been around my people. So yes it is an ignorant comment.

Ok big homie the Mexicans you grew up with in LA are Americanized playa, I know because born and raised in San Pedro...prolly been around your people more than you.

Secondly Mexico (TJ in specific) is one of the most visited places for plastic surgery in the world!

Do all Mexicans get plastic Mexico is big on it, and cartel woman are even bigger on it. And trust me my cartel knowledge outweighs yours by far
My brain understands that she's probably a horrible human being...but when it comes to debating silent...Django...I'm not a street dude...
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