College Discussion: Are minors important?

Jun 17, 2008
SUP. So I'm graduating this spring with a major in Business Admin, concentration in Auditing and Accounting and I just found out that I only need one more class to complete a minor in Economics. The thing is that I would have to take the class in the summer because I don't want a deathly workload in the Spring when I should be looking for jobs and taking advantage of my college student status. 
My question is if minors are important/worth it to spend that extra 3-5 grand in the summer. Discuss.
Don't quote me, but I would think, that 3-5k would be very worth it if you're getting an edge over any other business major when searching for a job.
important as you make it to be.

minors are worthless no employers cares about that

your forgetting not everybody wants to spend their life/careeer being an office slave
For one more class, I'd go for it. If you were just starting, I would say do not do it.
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

I would do it. You have a pretty saturated major, just try to give yourself that little extra edge over the rest of the group.
Minors aren't IMPORTANT, but they're very USEFUL. The more ground your education covers, the more opportunities you may have. Are you a business/marketing major? Take a few science courses and minor in biology/chemistry and suddenly you're qualified to be a sales rep for big pharma. Art major? Minor in Communications and maybe you can do PR for a museum.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Minors aren't IMPORTANT, but they're very USEFUL. The more ground your education covers, the more opportunities you may have. Are you a business/marketing major? Take a few science courses and minor in biology/chemistry and suddenly you're qualified to be a sales rep for big pharma. Art major? Minor in Communications and maybe you can do PR for a museum.
Thank you all for the responses.
I'm a Business Administration major with a concentration in Auditing and Accounting... I coincidentally took all econ classes for all of my electives when people took classes like art and bob marley music. Now I'm a fourth year and I just found out that I'm a candidate for an econ minor lol.
Nothing on your transcript is worth anything if you can't put it to use.

But there is a reason they call it a minor as opposed to a major.

If you're going to take a minor for the sake of intellectual curiosity, then go ahead, but don't waste it on just NOTHING.

I suggest people do so in classes that they aim to use for some sort of professional development or something that will help them in their desired field. 

Don't take a minor class in something you can pick up as a casual hobby like reading the same authors or experiencing topics you can read about in your own time.

A minor in a STEM course or in an applied field is more useful to me.

Minoring in another liberal arts course is pointless IMO...UNLESS you have a plan to really use that after college...AND can get by with only minoring in that particular subject. Otherwise, if you're looking for bunk to raise your GPA, just keep it simple. 

I view minoring as a means of building competent and discrete skills. If you're looking for an excuse to engage in new topics and "expand your mind," you might as well go all the way in with a double major. 
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Minors aren't IMPORTANT, but they're very USEFUL. The more ground your education covers, the more opportunities you may have. Are you a business/marketing major? Take a few science courses and minor in biology/chemistry and suddenly you're qualified to be a sales rep for big pharma. Art major? Minor in Communications and maybe you can do PR for a museum.

I'm going to go with this guy. I honestly wouldn't shell out 3-5k for ONE class--not worth it. Just pick up a summer internship in the field. Win-win situation.
I minored in Writing and I'm one class short of completing a minor in Film, but on my resume I just combine them (Major: Biology; Minor: Writing and Film). 

I've actually had employers ask about my minor, so they can serve as a talking point. 
Originally Posted by office the

minors are worthless no employers cares about that

Well, I wouldn't go that far and say minors are worthless per se, but it may not be as important as you think.  It's much more helpful if you're looking to go to grad school.  Employers typically don't care about that stuff.  How heavy is your class load in the spring?  Or rather, how many credits are you taking?  If it's gonna put you at 17 or 18, I'd say go ahead and do it, but if it's close to 20, then I'd say hold off.

sillyputty wrote:
Nothing on your transcript is worth anything if you can't put it to use.

Can't you pretty much say that about anything?
In your case, considering your current major and concentration, I don't think that adding an econ minor is really all that worthwhile, in that it isn't all that different. If the minor was something in the humanities, it would show an interesting diversity to your studies that I think would be worthwhile, but in this case I don't think it's necessary.
Originally Posted by CDUNK

Well, I wouldn't go that far and say minors are worthless per se, but it may not be as important as you think.  It's much more helpful if you're looking to go to grad school.  Employers typically don't care about that stuff.  How heavy is your class load in the spring?  Or rather, how many credits are you taking?  If it's gonna put you at 17 or 18, I'd say go ahead and do it, but if it's close to 20, then I'd say hold off.
With the extra econ class, I'd be taking 5 classes at 20 units, 3 of them being the three hardest accounting classes offered at the school
Originally Posted by timbo109

In your case, considering your current major and concentration, 
stop....econ is right up this guys hes literally a class away and it only certifies (in some way) that he knows econ since he probably has taken 15+ hours of it, which would be true at that volume of study. 
Originally Posted by E3LAL

For one more class, I'd go for it. If you were just starting, I would say do not do it.

This.  Depends on what you plan on doing, but for a business major, a minor couldn't hurt...
Experience is key, a minor is just that, minor. The more clutter you put on a resume that is not practical doesn't help one bit. There are millions of people out there out of work, and most have degrees, be it a major or minor or even a masters. 
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