Current Coupon Codes - REQUESTS OR ?s = WARNING

Whether or not the codes are stolen or not this thread isn't the place to natter about it, this thread is solely for posting discounts and promotions not conversations or questions about codes.
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hope they fix it, its someone else code, many legitamtiate nike customers would complain before nike does something about it
Let me start again. If this isn't a VALID update then let's keep this out of here.
can we just stop talking about it? this has run its course. (even tho it is still occurring)

i keep thinking coupons are actually posted here when i check my subscribed feed.
I got this earlier this morning from SA. One time use in store.


Read that exclusion list. It is ridiculous!
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can we just stop talking about it? this has run its course. (even tho it is still occurring)

i keep thinking coupons are actually posted here when i check my subscribed feed.
I got this earlier this morning from SA. One time use in store.


Read that exclusion list. It is ridiculous!
try it at the store. most of the time it works -- cashiers don't really read it, and they do over-ride.
Wasn't sure where to ask this question so I guess I'll ask here. Does anyone know if the store credit issued at a Nike Outlet can be used on
I don't know if this has been posted, however want to try and help where I can.

DSG $10 cash code, when you spend $50.

My Habit
Polo outlet 20% off

Are these reusable? I have a coupon from a few pages back with a different 4 digit number, and just wanted to check.

I know they'll take it at the store, but I was wondering if I could print out the same one, and use it again.
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This has probably been asked many times before, but I need some confirmation. :lol:

Can a nike factory store price match the product from NDC and do they accept coupons? :nerd:
This has probably been asked many times before, but I need some confirmation.

Can a nike factory store price match the product from NDC and do they accept coupons?
It is up to the manager if they will allow a price match, so there is no written policy and it varies from store to store.  As far as coupons, I don't see why they wouldn't allow the use of a coupon.
can we just stop talking about it? this has run its course. (even tho it is still occurring)

i keep thinking coupons are actually posted here when i check my subscribed feed.
I got this earlier this morning from SA. One time use in store.


Read that exclusion list. It is ridiculous!
It's a nationwide sale that ends Saturday.

Nike footballs 50% off
Probably won't be using this if anyone needs it FCFS.

^^ Will be buying a football. Lol
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