Current Coupon Codes - REQUESTS OR ?s = WARNING

Hello guys,

I tried inputting the FL codes and it took -$10.00 and -$25.00 off respectively but I didn't go through with the order since I do not intend to purchase anything.

CH doesn't seem to be working, FA always didn't work.

Since the online codes seem to be dying (or have died), has anybody still been able to use them for in-store purchases?

I would like to know if I should stop posting them monthly since they seem to be clamping down on these. In order to avoid clutter, please shoot me a PM if it has worked for you in-store.
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Yes they worked for us too taking it off your total but in the promo box it says its invalid.

So on one side of the screen it works and on the other it doesnt
The FA bday code didn't work for me (last night) but I did some digging and found a 20% off $200 code (LKS15F3E)
Grabbed some OG Command Forces and a pair of KDs for my daughter.
($178 shipped)
20% off macys
does FNL have birthday codes to print? tech fleece pants won't work codes online but they always take them in person lol
anyone know if the footlocker and champs bday coupon not working online is just temporary? I know FTA never works.
nope FNL is WC $20 every $200 or those other 10/20 off coupons that exclude most the stuff we want 

Those 10/20 off, are there print outs of them?
yeah if u get them in the mail. They send em Like every month and they all last for 3 months so its kinda OD

There's a code up there though [emoji]9757[/emoji]

thanks boss appreciate it, umma try to ask them to enter the code in store, hopefully they'll apply them to tech fleece pants haha
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