D Wayde can learn something from Candice Parker.

Uh NT and cereal in the morning I dont know what I would do with out it.

Dude was right but didnt know when to shut up and got the ban hammer layed on him

And Ska with the "you're never wrong if you know how to argue" tactics
You ever think about going into politics my man? Seems like you can make alogical argument for anything.
I didn't actually want anybody to get suspended...I just wanted a legitimate explanation on the severity of the injuries...like when it was mentioned thata seperated shoulder does something to your legs.
Originally Posted by Ryanbbn1

I die everytime I see this!!

But why does Candace Parker have hair growing out of her forehead like right above her eye brows.

I saw her play in H.S. cuz shes from Naperville like 30 mins from me and she was
@ dude getting banned....he didnt even do anything

these mods be power trippin.....its not even that serious.....
Eh i thought it was kinda offensive.
We think its funny but if dude said sum of that bogus stuff to me i mighta done the same. But im not a mod and dont really know or care with how to deal withit so whatever.
I did wanna hear his actaul explanation though to how the severity of the two injuries can differ.

and who ever said it was correct on ska making a logical arguement out of anything. His rebuttals made sense but i was gettin real confused at the same timelol
people react to pain differently...and dont get it twisted a lot of woman can work through extreme pain, better than most men.
I just went back and read the first couple of pages, and
at Skademanding respect on a damn message board. It's not that serious. He disrespected you by calling you "Dr. Ska"? Oh no, better start disrespectinghim now...that seems like the logical and right thing to do.

Who would have thought, someone get banned in a Candice Parker thread.


I see SKA's point tho.
for someone that asked about the lakers/wade gif...wade hurt his shoulder against the rockets and the kobe gif was from a lakers/nuggets game i think.
Mods are wack nothing in here was any different from 80% of the %%$% posted in s&t. Ska stop being salty
well that was entertaining as hell.

as for the thread subject, candace is tough as nails.

gotta respect her for that.
I'd rather trust anyone going to a med school on this issue then a guy who seems to have attention seeking disorder - he just frustrates people with pagelong responses, which most of the time is for the sake of the argument rather then the sake of the topic discussed, then ban them when people do getfrustrated and get out of line.

Only on the internet.

Hardly post much here, but I been on NT for .. is it 7 years now? This guy is possibly the worst mod I've seen and one that I'd least like to meet.What happened.
Man, never thought I'd see someone get banned in a chick basketball thread, but ah well.

Before he got canned, I was going to mention about his argument with the same injuries and such that we don't know how severe each injury was. Well, mypoint would have been simple.......

We've seen alot of seperated shoulder injuries in sports. I've only seen one leave in a wheelchair. These are the facts.

Can't really hate on SKA dude was just talking reckless....like why even bring personal life into it? And what CP just posted is true....name me 3 othertimes that a guy or girl with a seperated shoulder left in a wheelchair.

Dont worry I'll wait
His banishment is NOT up for debate, so don't take this reply the wrong way.

I'd love for anyone... even one person... to show me how I was unwilling to take the L. All you coming to his rescue now, show me how I am way out of line.Please.

Again, I was never claiming to be right about anything. My initial reply was simply that two things didn't make much sense.

To recap, this was my initial reply (a response to his assertion that not all injuries are the same):
I mean, that would make a little more sense if we hadn't just watched Parker play through a dislocated shoulder.

I understand tha tpain is subjective, but look at the huge disparity between the two reactions of the same injury; we have one guy screaming and crying in pain, being escorted off in a wheelchair... and we have a woman who continued play on the court, screamed, WALKED OFF ON HER OWN, and then returned to play some more.
And his response?
715 asterisk:
How do you know it's the same injury, Dr. Ska?
Is that a little disrespectful? Sure, very little; but it's still more than 'not disrespectful at all'.

Have I been disrespectful to him at all so far? Even a little? Nope.

And my response?
We do know that the injury in both situations is 'separated shoulder'. We're not talking about one person breaking their foot and another chipping a fingernail; we're talking about a separated shoulder... and a separated shoulder.

If you're talking about different degrees of the same injury, that's one thing, but I fail to see how they're not the same injury. 'Broken foot' =/= 'chipped fingernail'; 'separated shoulder = 'separated shoulder'.

But I like how you sarcastically call me Dr. Ska while failing to see that you were the first one to act like a doctor in here.

A question similar to the one you asked me could be asked of you. "How do you know the degrees of the two injuries are not the same, Dr. 715?"

I don't know the degrees of the two injuries are the same, but I'm not acting like I know it is; you're definitely acting like you know that they are different separations... and you don't know that.
I didn't disrespect him, but I did say that the same marginally disrespectful question could be asked of him.

Yes, this will get you banned, every time:
715 asterisk:
I won't get into it with you because its like arguing with a door knob.
715 asterisk:
Way to go, mod. You're about as useful as an appendix.

If you honestly can't comprehend this then you need to end your life - that pompous persona you carry around makes me sick, it's really pathetic
715 asterisk:
You can listen to this "kid's" opinion and my medical books or you can listen to this 30+ year old's opinion who's still in school, going to a community college in hick country and drives around in a yellow truck.
715 asterisk:
I'll leave the WNBA expert be.
I never said anything to him aside from sarcastically playing up the fact that he apparently studies something that has to do with medicine, andwanted that to count for something... when it doesn't. And that's why I said "Don't claim it 'till you've earned it, guy." And heapparently took as much offense to that as he did to me initially disagreeing with him (respectfully, I might add). If you're going to snap back in offensewhen I disagree with you, and if you're going to be sarcastically disrespectful and then get offended + disrespectful of me when I'm just initiallymildly sarcastic, then be gone.

There are certain people on here that just don't like certain other people on here. That's not a problem.

There are certain people on here that just don't like certain staff members on here. That's not a problem.

And there are certain people that don't like certain other people on here, and nearly every opportunity they get to disrespectfully disagree with thatother person (example: "Oh my god, son... you really believe that? You're dumber than I thought.
"), they take it. They get banned for it, EVERY time we see it.

And there are certain people that don't like certain staff members on here, and nearly every opportunity they get to disrespectfully disagree with thatstaff member (example: "Do your damn job. You're more pathetic than I thought.
"). Why should they not get banned when we ban those that disrespectregular members?

You don't have to agree with everything on here, but you do have to disagree respectfully.

You don't have to like everyone on here, but you do have to disagree with them respectfully.

at Ska demanding respect
I'm not demanding anything.

But the same treatment that we require for our members is the same treatment we require towards our staff.

Yes, people have been banned for going at a regular member the exact same way he went at me.

I responded to him with ZERO disrespect; not 'a little bit', but 'ZERO'. He responded to myresponse with a little disrespect, I responded back sarcastically, he responded back more disrespectfully, I still maintained the low level of sarcasm I hadbefore, he upped the disrespect, and that was that.

Just thought I'd throw this out there for all to chew on real quick:
715 ur posting style can easily be seen as confrontational and offensive.
Can't really hate on SKA dude was just talking reckless....like why even bring personal life into it?


its not even that serious.....

I agree; him being banned isn't that serious; y'all need to let it go.

*edit* Heck, some of you are already going to say this is too long of a response (even though no one asked, and that's not what the thread was about), sothis last edit won't hurt anything.

LASTLY (v. 2.0)...
hot cinnamon roll:
This guy is possibly the worst mod I've seen and one that I'd least like to meet.

See what I mean?
This guy just saw the opportunity tohate, and took it.

Nobody asked for your approval, dude. Thanks for sharing, though.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^speak for yourself...I've dislocated my shoulder a few times, and i know how it feels. But when it happened to me, i didn't need a wheelchair to get off the floor. i walked off on my own, and tried to still play.

and what degree were your shoulder seperations? U had nerve damage?

to lump every shoulder seperation into one category is Dumb, or maybe u dont know any better *shrugs*
I've dislocated my shoulder a few times, and i know how it feels. But when it happened to me, i didn't need a wheelchair to get off the floor. i walked off on my own, and tried to still play.
and what degree were your shoulder seperations? U had nerve damage?

to lump every shoulder seperation into one category is Dumb, or maybe u dont know any better *shrugs*

I mean, not a lot of people know how to separate injuries that appear to be the exact same thing.

I don't know how, apparently.

That doesn't mean I can't be shown, but it does mean that someone has to show me. 'You're wrong because I said so.' < 'You'rewrong, and I'm going to show you how and why.'

I'm still waiting for anyone to show how there are different forms of the same injury (like 'shoulder separation').

They seem the same to me; you have a ball-and-joint socket, and the ball separates from the socket and stays separated until it's popped back in.

What is there that can make things different? Obviously, in every shoulder separation, you're also going to deal with stretched ligaments and tendons, aswell as excruciating pain. In some instances, as we know, the shoulder pops right back in immediately after popping back out, but that's a different'total scenario' the scenario in question in this thread involves two shoulder separations where the ball stayed separated from the joint, and peopleare saying that there are different variables.

Folks like myself are simply asking for what those variables can be.

And 'People respond t pain differently' is certainly a valid statement, but it is not one that explains the different variables in a shoulderseparation.
Friend of mine blew his shoulder out a while back. Said it was the worst thing he ever felt. Hard to explain, but if you can imagine on the ball and socketpart of you shoulder, how the ball pops out it is now officialy seperated or whatever. Well his popped out, but was pushed BACK BEHIND THE SOCKET!!! No joke. If you can imagine that, that has to hurt like a motha. So he has sympathy for what happened to Wade.

Maybe that is exactly the same injury Wade had, maybe not, but still as I said before, there have been many many shoulder seperations in sports thruout theyears.

Only one, just one, left in a wheelchair.


That's just soft.

All you Warriors fans coming to his rescue now (What? You think I can't see that he's a Warriors fan and that a lot of your sigs show the same thing?
Cuz only 1 Warrior fan responded to this thread (Paul), and his sentiments were exactly the same as a handful of NTers here thatAREN'T warrior fans.

Way to have selective attention there
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