Dad Wears Skirts to Support 5-Year-Old Son Who Dons Women's Clothing Vol. Father Your Sons?

If your Kid wanted  to drop out of 5th grade would you support him?

Theres some stuff as a person you should NOT do. And letting a little boy cross dress is 1 of them.

Again, dropping out of 5th grade most likely means your child would be uneducated and therefore would have a less than desirable life... Letting your child wear want he wants to wear is doing no harm to anyone, except the people that are so adamant of the idea that a child might want to wear something different than other children... You guys are speaking on this issue as if this somehow would be a threat to you or children.

My child's happiness > Pleasing other people.
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If your Kid wanted  to drop out of 5th grade would you support him?

Theres some stuff as a person you should NOT do. And letting a little boy cross dress is 1 of them.

And who are you to say this? Who died and said a little boy SHOULDN'T "Cross Dress" or wear a skirt? :rolleyes

Btw, your kid wanting to drop out of the 5th grade is far more harming to him than him at 5 YEARS OLD wearing a skirt.Come on man, who would really support a fifth grader wanting to dropout? Sometimes y'all farfetched analogies go so far to make a point that you completely take away the common sense aspect of the situation.

The thing is, would I want my baby boy wearing a skirt? Hell no, however there is no harm in it in him doing so, at 5 YEARS OLD is all i'm saying.
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Again, dropping out of 5th grade most likely means your child would be uneducated and therefore would have a less than desirable life... Letting your child wear want he wants to wear is doing no harm to anyone, except the people that are so adamant of the idea that a child might want to wear something different than other children... You guys are speaking on this issue as if this somehow would be a threat to you or children.
My child's happiness > Pleasing other people.
Who's gonna take you and your ****** son serious with a damn dress on? Your child will be tormented to his untimely death by suicide from years of ridicule and depression. Ultimately leading to your self inflicted death from being a failure and an unfit parent to your child.

No happiness comes from this foolishness. You people need standards.

Im probably arguing with a gay guy so I know i won't win this arguement.
I don't know how many of you guys have been around children that young, but at that age most of the actions of a 5 yr old mimics that of the adults in their life. For example if I'm eating spaghetti, my lil bro wants to eat spaghetti too... Or if I'm playing video games he wants to play video game ... The same thing goes with how he dresses, he dresses with whatever my pops or his moms puts on him, if he asks to put on something different which is extremely rare its usually his hat because my pops has his hat on .... If you don't get my drift at that age they're still in the mimic stage of their life.. Same thing for both of my sisters when they were that age and cousins whom I babysitted when they were around that age.

A kid normally doesn't start expressing individuality in the way they dress and how they portray themself to the world in my experience, until they're about 8yrs, sometimes very rarely at seven; Until that time they're mimicking the people of influence in their lives. You see its one thing you got your kid playing dress-up/cross dressing inside your home, but to take them and parade them around for the world to see to show off your own points is something entirely different

At the end of the day the parents, specifically the father has his own agenda to get across. He clearly stated this in the article, no where in the article did I read that the kid identifies himself as a female or that he feels uncomfortable wearing male clothing. As a result I see no need for him to be parading the kid around in a DRESS .. if that's what he likes to do at home then leave it inside the house.

Anyways from my own personal experience, and what the father has stated in the article, what he's teaching the kid has nothing to do with crossing dressing
Again, dropping out of 5th grade most likely means your child would be uneducated and therefore would have a less than desirable life... Letting your child wear want he wants to wear is doing no harm to anyone, except the people that are so adamant of the idea that a child might want to wear something different than other children... You guys are speaking on this issue as if this somehow would be a threat to you or children.
My child's happiness > Pleasing other people.

It's not about pleasing other people its about preparing your child for society, unless you plan on keeping your child in a box.

What you deem as "making him happy" is going to come back and slap him (and you) in the face when he has to socialize and develop friends. Now he's unhappy and crying because everybody's making fun of him for looking like a girl and calling him a "sissy".

Like I said before this isn't just about cross-dressing. I'd say the same thing if a parent let their kid paint themselves blue and tell everybody his name is Smurfy McSmurfington and I'd say the same thing about mothers who let their 8-9. y.o. daughters dress like video hos and wear makeup. You're setting your kid up for potential social failure and psychological damage by simply just not putting your foot down and telling them "no".

Seriously I don't know the average age on the board, but it's gotta be decreasing fast. There's no way grown people (21+) who have kids or been around children a lot should not understand what's wrong with this situation.
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It's not about pleasing other people its about preparing your child for society, unless you plan on keeping your child in a box.
What you deem as "making him happy" is going to come back and slap him (and you) in the face when he has to socialize and develop friends. Now he's unhappy and crying because everybody's making fun of him for looking like a girl and calling him a "sissy".
Like I said before this isn't just about cross-dressing. I'd say the same thing if a parent let their kid paint themselves blue and tell everybody his name is Smurfy McSmurfington and I'd say the same thing about mothers who let their 8-9. y.o. daughters dress like video hos and wear makeup. You're setting your kid up for potential social failure and psychological damage by simply just not putting your foot down and telling them "no".
Seriously I don't know the average age on the board, but it's gotta be decreasing fast. There's no way grown people (21+) who have kids or been around children a lot should not understand what's wrong with this situation.

Its a much different world Bro. A lot of people are on that free spirit kick.
Quick questions or those that support this

1. Where did the kid get the dresses and skirts from?

2. How can a kid pick clothes unless they are in his closet? I don't think the kid asked for these items in the store.

3. Wheres the mother?

4. Where do you draw the line to telling your child no? Meals? Do you just open the fridge every night and ask your 5 year old what they want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Do you ask your kid what radio station that want to listen to? If your 5 year old wants to wear spiderman costume to church do you let him? When is your kid ever going to learn that the world isn't their playground and they need to follow a certain standard?
Trying to allow his son to feel comfortable being who he. I'm not wearing no skirt, yet I'm not in the position of having a son who likes wearing skirts so I could not say. I respect it. Parenting comes in all forms.

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parenting fail.

His pops aint gonna be around him rocking a skirt 24/7. Ima feel sorry for the kid when he goes to school and then gets picked on early.
Challenging gender roles is commendable.Allowing your son to wear skirts communicates that there is nothing natural, in and of itself, for a man to wear pants instead of skirts. The idea of societal norms as social constructions has been and still gives people a strong feeling of insecurity, for it basically asserts that our identities are totally fluid and are fashioned largely outside of our own control. Obviously a 5 year old can't understand this point through verbal instruction. But perhaps this fathers' daily demonstration of this worldview might help his son challenge those norms. 

I suspect that those who condemn the Father are either a). highly uncomfortable with the social construction idea, b). believe that "too much" exposure to "feminine" behaviors at an early age determines a child's sexual preferences, or c). both. We live in a society in which to be called "gay" often has nothing to do with sexual acts and preferences. Hence those of you talking about "raising a sweetie pie" are basically ignorant of physiology in general and the discipline of modern sexology. These kinds of arguments betray your own recognition that you are not born gay and that a whole set of uncontrollable forces can nudge one's sexual preferences in one direction or another, and sometimes in both ways. Including yours.

A bunch of my friends have championed this story as a cause celebre. But I still don't understand how this example of challenging gender roles can contribute to greater gender equality.

As for me, I guess I'm one of those so-called academics who speaks of gender equality but falls back on mainstream convictions. I don't have a child. But I recognize that human beings are a most nefarious species. We may be moving towards a world in which men wearing dresses is the norm. In which case, it would be "natural" for me to allow my son to wear skirts. But until then, I can't see myself allowing my child to be a guinea pig for the world to torment and exploit. 
If your Kid wanted  to drop out of 5th grade would you support him?

Theres some stuff as a person you should NOT do. And letting a little boy cross dress is 1 of them.

Again, dropping out of 5th grade most likely means your child would be uneducated and therefore would have a less than desirable life... Letting your child wear want he wants to wear is doing no harm to anyone, except the people that are so adamant of the idea that a child might want to wear something different than other children... You guys are speaking on this issue as if this somehow would be a threat to you or children.

My child's happiness > Pleasing other people.

Nah, being a parent means knowing whats best even if its not what they want or what makes them happy. Its the same reason why my mom didnt buy me every X-Men action figure from the store, or watch Cinemax late night

Well a few NTer's predicted so I'll introduce it.

What if instead of wearing a skirt we substitut the situation with hanging out with black children.

a kid should not have a choice right????
It doesn't even make sense, especially if you substitute it. So in this ridiculous scenario a 5 year old wants to hang out with black children and for some reason the father "supports" that by hanging out with black men? I assume only in your mind a world so racist or stupid could exist where an article like this would be typed up and then a thread topic would be made about it.
It doesn't even make sense, especially if you substitute it. So in this ridiculous scenario a 5 year old wants to hang out with black children and for some reason the father "supports" that by hanging out with black men? I assume only in your mind a world so racist or stupid could exist where an article like this would be typed up and then a thread topic would be made about it.

After rereading the article and the rest of the thread, the part that I think many of you supporting this probably missed is the father was wearing dresses as a child, was ridiculed and stopped, and now suddenly his son wants to do the same. Can't really deny the probable clear agenda and awful parenting if that is the case.
After rereading the article and the rest of the thread, the part that I think many of you supporting this probably missed is the father was wearing dresses as a child, was ridiculed and stopped, and now suddenly his son wants to do the same. Can't really deny the probable clear agenda and awful parenting if that is the case.
WTF? Where did you even get that from? Is your reading comprehension that awful, is that what you want to believe and/or are you just making **** up?

A more detailed article:
Dad Protects Son from Bullies by Wearing a Skirt. Guess What? It Works.
By Piper Weiss, Shine Staff | Parenting – Fri, Aug 31, 2012 11:36 AM EDT

Nils Pickert's 5-year-old son likes wearing dresses. If anyone thinks that's odd they can take it up with Nils. He's the guy in the skirt.

The German dad has become a role model not only for his son, but for parents around the world, after a photograph of the pair holding hands in red skirts spread across the internet.
"Yes, I'm one of those dads, that tries to raise their children equal," he explained in an essay published alongside the photo in Emma, a German feminist magazine.

Pickert never minded that his son liked dressing in little girl's clothes, but when his family moved from West Berlin to a small southern town in Germany, he learned that other people did. In fact, it became a "town wide issue," according to Pickert, whose essay was translated by Tumblr user steegeschnoeber.

A new school didn't make life any easier for his young son. Shortly after his first day, he stopped reveling in his own tastes and Pickert worried about the damage it could wreak on his self-confidence.
"I didn't want to talk my son into not wearing dresses and skirts," Pickert explained. "He didn't make friends doing that in Berlin… so after a lot of contemplation I had only one option left: To broaden my shoulders for my little buddy and dress in a skirt myself."

That's where the red skirt came in, a pants-free option Pickert himself would sometimes take back in Berlin, without getting even a second glance. He'd stopped wearing skirts when they moved to their small village, knowing a man in women's clothes could cause rubbernecking accidents at the very least. But when his son asked his father to wear a skirt again, he decided to step up to the challenge.
For that he's been hailed as "Father of the Year" by Gawker, and praised in parenting blogs around the web for his progressive approach to nipping self-esteem issues in bud.

Hand in hand, the Pickerts paraded their custom together around their small village, and soon the shame died away. His son became emboldened again, even giddy at the reactions his father got from slack-jawed strangers. Being different, he found, wasn't so scary after all, especially when Dad's got your back.

After Pickert's son learned that lesson, he began passing the wisdom on to his classmates. If he's teased now, he tells them: "You don't dare to wear skirts and dresses because your dads don't dare to either."

For parents and educators, bullying is a critical issue with no clear-cut prevention method. How do you protect a child from the cruelty of others and how can a bullied child walk away without feeling defensive or ashamed? Pickert's plan comes down to more than just a dad in a skirt. It's an approach that translates across borders, both physical and theoretical: If a child is attacked for being different, don't leave them hanging. Be different with them.
i read the first 3 words of the thread and wont even let myself get caught in a trap to talk about irrelevant issues :smokin in other news
some people wanna argue about whether a kid should wear a skirt....

ya'll can't even get a job, get yambs, and line up for a week for sneakers.

Now you tell me who looks gay?
some people wanna argue about whether a kid should wear a skirt....

ya'll can't even get a job, get yambs, and line up for a week for sneakers.

Now you tell me who looks gay?

First off, if you open your eyes you would see that the kid is wearing a dress, not a skirt
Secondly if you gonna be taking water pistol shots, then atleast quote so we know who you're aiming at
some people wanna argue about whether a kid should wear a skirt....
ya'll can't even get a job, get yambs, and line up for a week for sneakers.
Now you tell me who looks gay?
What does one of those have to do with the other? You keep making baseless statements. As bad as those three are, at least those are teens and adults making conscious decisions on what they want to do.
A child shouldn't decide what clothing he wears until he is old enough to understand culture, gender roles, and clothing. When he gets older, then he can decide.

The child doesn't call the shots, the parent does. That should be established early on.
What does one of those have to do with the other? You keep making baseless statements. As bad as those three are, at least those are teens and adults making conscious decisions on what they want to do.

baseless statements????

ohhh you mean my opinions?

just bc my opinion is that i think its hilarious that dudes wanna act like a kid and his pops are gay; especially from dudes who don't fit anywhere near what they like to think the definition of a man is?

baseless? nope. #based
Challenging gender roles is commendable.Allowing your son to wear skirts communicates that there is nothing natural, in and of itself, for a man to wear pants instead of skirts. The idea of societal norms as social constructions has been and still gives people a strong feeling of insecurity, for it basically asserts that our identities are totally fluid and are fashioned largely outside of our own control. Obviously a 5 year old can't understand this point through verbal instruction. But perhaps this fathers' daily demonstration of this worldview might help his son challenge those norms. 

I suspect that those who condemn the Father are either a). highly uncomfortable with the social construction idea, b). believe that "too much" exposure to "feminine" behaviors at an early age determines a child's sexual preferences, or c). both. We live in a society in which to be called "gay" often has nothing to do with sexual acts and preferences. Hence those of you talking about "raising a sweetie pie" are basically ignorant of physiology in general and the discipline of modern sexology. These kinds of arguments betray your own recognition that you are not born gay and that a whole set of uncontrollable forces can nudge one's sexual preferences in one direction or another, and sometimes in both ways. Including yours.

A bunch of my friends have championed this story as a cause celebre.

This guy or girl just killed it.

I agree, challenging gender roles is a great thing. That's why this is one of my favorite youtube videos. It's sad, this little girl shows more maturity than most in this thread.

I'm sick of the pink and blue nonsense.
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