
So how do ya'll tinfoil kids explain the dead Chinese national? If this was a conspiracy, why would they even involve a foreign victim? Any conspiracy theory would have to assume that some how the Chinese government (who obviously, always have our interests in mind...) is involved.

The Chinese government could care less about any sort of Big Brother agenda that we might have.

Are you saying that conspiracy theorists think the government picked the victims? I haven't heard that before.

Regarding the chinese girl, has anyone found out how she died? I looked at tons of pics and I never saw her in any before or after the bombs. Was she at site 1 or 2?
Not conspiracy related, just curious.
How is saying its fixed and fake mocking those who died?

You're saying the actions never occurred, that the coroner never arrived on scene to carry away those 3 innocent people that were senselessly killed. You're saying that those parents never went to the morgue to see their children one last time. You're saying that they never buried their children. You're negating everything that occurred.

Got it?

I didn't say any of that. If I did, quote it. I'm saying I question what happened. Is it ingrained in your head that questioning how or why something happened is disrespectful?

That's dangerous thinking, b.

Following your line of logic, are people who lost family members in the 9/11 attacks who question the official story mocking their dead family members?
how about the photos of that naked man the cops/fbi handcuffed and that photo of the little brother sitting upright on the boat at what appears to be night time? and then all of a sudden he is leaking from all over especially his throat...lets be real here....if i was a cop id beat the piss out of the mfer just for doing that dumb ****. they would have to pull me off of him. but let's see how that bag that exploded with the white square once you honestly think that a bag full of explsive gun powder  wouldnt disintegrate into a bunch of fibers or just simply burn to a crisp? i feel like something is up but why would that bag still be visible if you guys think that person had a big bomb in it? 
Again, you are the laughing stock of both threads.

After the explosion but he looks calm as a to say he's not your average Joe.

Are you that naive?
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After the explosion but he looks calm as a to say he's not your average Joe.

Are you that naive?

He's mass national guard. Those are the same guys who are at every marathon since 9/11. The photo is extremely cropped. he's about 100 yards from the explosion site a few minutes after it. people would have had plenty of time to calm down.

It's obvious they time traveled back to before the bombs were placed and picked their backpacks up so they wouldn't be suspects.

They also photoshopped those backpacks on there.

Don't you know guys? Shooting back at cops proves your innocence these days!


I have to remember to run around screaming and in fear or I may become a suspect for illegal activity....

forget the police-state, watch our for the conspiracy-state
View media item 380253
here's the photo those two guys were cropped from, well after the explosion, both with their bags. so yeah they definitely planted the bombs there for Craft :rolleyese

also i'm pretty sure this picture has the location of the blast off by a bit. I'm pretty sure people were thrown back from the fencing not towards it.
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So let me get this straight, the same people who think our government is completely inept in doing anything also think they set up this whole situation? Take off your tin foil hat and realize that **** does happen.
So let me get this straight, the same people who think our government is completely inept in doing anything also think they set up this whole situation? Take off your tin foil hat and realize that **** does happen.

Again, I stress looking at both ends of the spectrum. There are always potential situations and conspiracies. Saying that this conspiracy is fact because FOX News reported it, does not make it fact. Same thing goes with saying there isn't a conspiracy. Just because President Obama comes out and says it isn't and he is terribly sad over it, does not mean there isn't something going on in the background. Both are equally possible, and neither party should consider their own theories fact. Interesting and presented well as they may be, they are all speculation.

The only way we will ever truly know, is if we see the classified government files on the matter. Which won't happen for over seventy years, if ever. So it will always be speculation, for everyone. The government could just as easily planted a bomb, as a terrorist.

A healthy distrust in the government is good to have, but nobody is correct.
Why did the media peddle those images to us way before we knew anything about the brothers?

That's an image I kept seeing all day...the military personnel. But why?
Why did the media peddle those images to us way before we knew anything about the brothers?

That's an image I kept seeing all day...the military personnel. But why?

You did? what station? I only saw those guys on reddit and twitter. them two, the kid in the blue tracksuit, and the white guy with the beard and the bag hanging on his arm. never saw any of them on TV.
And if they've been at ever major event, marathon since 9/11 then that just adds another ripple to it.
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