
Janet Napolitano Clearly stating that this person of interest who is being deported & was at the site of the bombing wasn't even worth a answer.

this is her 3 days later suddenly stumbling answering questions about Al harbi. If you listened to the first interview with Glenn Beck you can see that what she says happened is CLEARLY a lie considering protocol doesn't allow you to just throw someone on terrorist watch and take them off within a two day period.

Cliffs (For those who were told DIRECTLY to not look at other photos lmao)

- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi (the foreign Exchange student) who if you remember had his apartment raided in Boston (in revere).
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was found bleeding at the scene of the crime and in the matter of a day he went from suspect, To person of Interest, to victim, to being deported.
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing. With the specific event file stating for the Boston Bombing.
- The very next day he was taken off of this this terror "watchlist" Despite having to be cleared by the FBI, ATF, and every other major force In order to have his status changed
- US Congressmen John Duncan sent a formal letter of request to homeland security for a classified breifing on the saudi national and deportation order.
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi even before coming to the U.S was known to be associated with known terrorist. out of a list of 85 of the top terrorist threats as seen by the Saudi Government 6 are a part of his clan (Family)

#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi

- With this known Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was still able to obtain a student visa set primarily for a college in Ohio (This news was reported by Fox News), but has been clearly living in boston. then although he was dropped of all suspicions and was no longer a person of interest he had to be immediately deported?

Oh and let's not forget why a guy with a KNOWN terrorist background and who is being shipped out of america on terrorist charges is getting personal visits from Michelle Obama.

View media item 380814
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I don't follow this thread so I don't know if this has been posted yet...


It did kind of seem odd that they basically rolled out an entire small army to catch one guy....can't remember the last time a killer was on the loose...but i don't think it garnered that much military force (DC sniper didn't i know that)

I also remember reading the first picture in the link before friday saying no way the kid makes it til friday but low and behold the raids did occur on friday.
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Theres a few people in this thread I've never seen before.

Some just created an account last week. Then they only pop up in one or two threads and bring nothing to the discussion. 

I see you. 
Where have I given a direct order on how you , or anybody in this thread should feel?

I admit, I stopped reading after my first few posts, but I did skim through. Guess what? It's been the same thing, since page 1. Misinformation, photoshopped pictures, and paranoid "they're out to get me " mentality.

That poll would be amazing right now, actually.

I do not believe this incident was setup by the government but there are a lot of weird things about it. I wanna see the video of dude putting his backback down.

Wanting to see the actual evidence is paranoia? Those pics of the dudes amongst the crowd do not prove anything. They probably did it but that is insufficient evidence.
I think people are scared to admit that at any second any person on this planet can cause major devastation. They try to pin it on the gov so they feel like there is reasoning behind the attacks and they 'know' what's behind it when we have no idea. I'm not attacking anyone on here and hell, who really knows?
I don't follow this thread so I don't know if this has been posted yet...


It did kind of seem odd that they basically rolled out an entire small army to catch one guy....

you definitely live in the suburbs

Not too sure what you mean if you care to elaborate. Watertown is a suburb....are you saying that suburbs get the army treatment? Or because i live in a suburb (which i do) i wouldn't know anything about a killer being on the loose and how it is handled.

From other events such as the DC sniper....who killed 10 people ( i believe)....all they told us was uh be careful out there we will find him. I went to the gas station where that one guy was killed 2 days prior to his death...and they didn't put us on lock down like they did Boston.

So not too sure what being from a city vs a suburb would matter when it comes to how one handles a killer on the a suburb.
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Follow-UP: Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi – The Mysterious Saudi National Foreign Exchange Student – Visa For Study In Ohio, But Lived In Boston Apartment….
Posted on April 23, 2013 by sundance
Last week we brought you the story of Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi, the Saudi exchange Student whose apartment was searched immediately following the Boston Bombing. Glenn Beck promised to reveal more information – and indeed he has….

Background points:

A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing
As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.
An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.
A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.
Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano
Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted. Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.
New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges
Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts
Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.
Monday morning Glenn Beck laid out what he knows about the Saudi connection to the Boston marathon bombings.

It is a story that the mainstream media has all but completely ignored, though Beck says TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood reached out to numerous other networks in an effort to get the story out. (Continue to the Blaze for the latest events)

—————— Our Previous Outline Below ———————

It is perhaps serendipity the name Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi surfaced during the investigation of the Boston Bombing, “perhaps“. A name the administration would just as soon be forgotten.

Indeed if you rely on the water-carrying media to follow the story it’s probably the last time anyone will ever discuss the Saudi national, college student, and his powerful family connections. But some within the new media, in addition to Glenn Beck, are staying on the story.

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi was injured and hospitalized during the bombing. Subsequently two high level meetings with his family’s interested representatives were conducted by both Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama himself. Michelle Obama even went to the hospital where Ali Al Harbi was being cared for and paid him a personal visit.

But why does he matter?

Before getting into why he matters, perhaps an outline of the most likely scenario of his surfacing importance is needed.

Immediately following the bombing, while Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi was still in the hospital, a warrant was delivered and his apartment was immediately searched by the FBI. This happened on the same day as the bombing itself.

The most probable answer to why is because he was already a known entity on the national security radar. The search of his apartment and associations so quickly was more likely an outcome of previous tracking – and “watch listing“.

Subsequently he was cleared by investigators, or so the story is told; But oddly he was also deported under the auspices of “national security“. The obvious question arrises: If he was not involved, and cleared, then why deport him?

Again, applying Occam’s razor to the known activity surrounding events, it is most likely the conversations with his family and Saudi officials led to the decision. The “why” remains a mystery – but knowing the family ties, and the administration ties to the family, it certainly raises multiple levels of suspicion.

Glenn Beck has made a strange pronouncement when he says he is giving the administration until Monday to come clean on Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, after which time Beck will reveal more background on him. It will be interesting to see what develops.

In the interim, here is what we previously outlined last week surrounding his known associations and connections:

On Monday night 4/15/13 (the day of the Boston Bombing) new media reports from the Boston area discussed that an apartment belonging to a Saudi National, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, in Revere Mass, was searched by FBI and Law enforcement. Abdul was in the U.S. on a student visa.
I think people are scared to admit that at any second any person on this planet can cause major devastation. They try to pin it on the gov so they feel like there is reasoning behind the attacks and they 'know' what's behind it when we have no idea. I'm not attacking anyone on here and hell, who really knows?

Dude Boston just got shutdown for an entire day, People let cops run in their house and pretty much instate martial law all for the fear of one 19 yr old kid under the threat of "terror". Yet when someone dies from gunshot wounds nobody seems to panick about anything. It's only when the word terrorist or terror is involved that people begin to shake and cry wondering about being attacked. it's THOSE people who are scared.
I think people are scared to admit that at any second any person on this planet can cause major devastation. They try to pin it on the gov so they feel like there is reasoning behind the attacks and they 'know' what's behind it when we have no idea. I'm not attacking anyone on here and hell, who really knows?

Dude Boston just got shutdown for an entire day, People let cops run in their house and pretty much instate martial law all for the fear of one 19 yr old kid under the threat of "terror". Yet when someone dies from gunshot wounds nobody seems to panick about anything. It's only when the word terrorist or terror is involved that people begin to shake and cry wondering about being attacked. it's THOSE people who are scared.

1. the whole city of boston got shut down? where's the source to this claim?

2. Were the house searches mandatory or voluntary?

3. I remember peopel shaking and crying when the blast happened, but then people banded together and a lot of pride was shown during the efforts to help the inured. The shaking and crying seems to have been done by those who claim omnipotent government forces control everything.
1. the whole city of boston got shut down? where's the source to this claim?

2. Were the house searches mandatory or voluntary?

1. Source to the city of Boston being lock down.. you serious? No fly zone? Public transportation shut down? Businesses closed? You really need a source or are you trolling?

2. House searches mandatory? Ummm have you not seen this video? What part of voluntary is putting your hands in the air? :lol:

View media item 380961
^ Yeah he volunteered to step out of his house in his robe while a cop holds a gun to him?! :smh:
1. Source to the city of Boston being lock down.. you serious? No fly zone? Public transportation shut down? Businesses closed? You really need a source or are you trolling?

2. House searches mandatory? Ummm have you not seen this video? What part of voluntary is putting your hands in the air? :lol:

View media item 380961
^ Yeah he volunteered to step out of his house in his robe while a cop holds a gun to him?! :smh:

he's obviously been trolling the past 2-3 pages don't even respond.
1. the whole city of boston got shut down? where's the source to this claim?

2. Were the house searches mandatory or voluntary?
1. Source to the city of Boston being lock down.. you serious? No fly zone? Public transportation shut down? Businesses closed? You really need a source or are you trolling?

2. House searches mandatory? Ummm have you not seen this video? What part of voluntary is putting your hands in the air?

^ Yeah he volunteered to step out of his house in his robe while a cop holds a gun to him?!
Cop in that picture CLEARLY does not have his gun pointed at the man in the robe.

"while a cop holds a gun to him"

If the pic wasn't there to verify your sentence you'd think he was being dragged out by his slippers with a gun to his head.
So if one points a gun at an entrance, and someone walks through said entrance, does that person not have a gun pointed at him?
So if one points a gun at an entrance, and someone walks through said entrance, does that person not have a gun pointed at him?

the question is.... what changes in police tactics would satisfy you?

Are those changes tactically sound?
Janet Napolitano Clearly stating that this person of interest who is being deported & was at the site of the bombing wasn't even worth a answer.

this is her 3 days later suddenly stumbling answering questions about Al harbi. If you listened to the first interview with Glenn Beck you can see that what she says happened is CLEARLY a lie considering protocol doesn't allow you to just throw someone on terrorist watch and take them off within a two day period.

Cliffs (For those who were told DIRECTLY to not look at other photos lmao)

- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi (the foreign Exchange student) who if you remember had his apartment raided in Boston (in revere).
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was found bleeding at the scene of the crime and in the matter of a day he went from suspect, To person of Interest, to victim, to being deported.
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing. With the specific event file stating for the Boston Bombing.
- The very next day he was taken off of this this terror "watchlist" Despite having to be cleared by the FBI, ATF, and every other major force In order to have his status changed
- US Congressmen John Duncan sent a formal letter of request to homeland security for a classified breifing on the saudi national and deportation order.
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi even before coming to the U.S was known to be associated with known terrorist. out of a list of 85 of the top terrorist threats as seen by the Saudi Government 6 are a part of his clan (Family)

#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi

- With this known Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was still able to obtain a student visa set primarily for a college in Ohio (This news was reported by Fox News), but has been clearly living in boston. then although he was dropped of all suspicions and was no longer a person of interest he had to be immediately deported?

Oh and let's not forget why a guy with a KNOWN terrorist background and who is being shipped out of america on terrorist charges is getting personal visits from Michelle Obama.

View media item 380814

My theory is that, the FBI/CIA/Homeland Security didnt wanna piss off his family since theres 6 of them on the Top 85 terrorists list :smh: They wouldve done some wild **** if the US wouldve locked him up. Dude prolly asked if they could pay for his flight back to Saudi and they gave him his wish but told they us its for "security reasons". IDK what he hell he was doing in Boston if his school is in Ohio. Too damn fishy for me.
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