Detroit man gambles away $1.5 million accidentally given by ATM

he shoulda put 1.5 mill on the heat then return the original 1.5

thats 100k a month for 15 months. not bad
The idea with gold seems very smart...

What if he copped gold AND fled the country?

Dis' dude is stupid!!! He could've easily made profit instead of losing all of it... Gimme 250,000k and I'll def. come up thanks to that wack *$! bank ATM
I didn't read the whole article but is there actually any evidence that he lost the money gambling?? Could've just spread it among some family members...
Can't fault him. If he plays it safe and spends the money on other %@#% over time the bank eventually figures out their mistake and he still has to pay it all back or go to prison. At least he had fun while he had the money.

I'd definitely do this for an easy 15 months in federal prison. During that time I'd probably pass the bar.

The other option is to try and flip it in a less risky way but those ways are either illegal or not a sure thing.
Originally Posted by FEETure

wait tho, what if he had won money. could he then pay back the 1 purnt 5 and try to secretly stash the winnings(assuming no one knew he won) do 15 months then be straight?
Casinos report winnings over a certain # and sometimes they give you some kind of tax form. He'd have to be in there with a different face and id

Dude should've purchased the Bobcats, and he still coulda had money to hold onto.
I wonder if there is proof he gambled it all, probably not. Bet he didn't ...he probably has some stashed
I swear at some ATMs, even if you have the money in your account, there is just a straight up limit on what you can withdrawn, independent of BOA or your bank of choice.

It seems like the casino was caught slipping too..
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I swear at some ATMs, even if you have the money in your account, there is just a straight up limit on what you can withdrawn, independent of BOA or your bank of choice.

It seems like the casino was caught slipping too..

Casinos don't care how much you withdraw
. I think those limits for Bank ATMs are actually so that the machine doesn't run out of money as quickly if just a few people decide to pull out stacks.
Not going to lie, the banks have stolen wayyyy more money than that guy and got away with it.
^ Now that I look some stuff up online, It does depend on the bank.

BOA really screwed the pooch on this one.. I remember going to the casino awhile back and after 3 trips to the ATM, I reached my "limit", even if I had money in my account. So not only did BOA not follow through on that daily limit for this guy, but they let him take out money hundreds of times and be overdrawn every time.

Dude was caught up in the perfect storm of a double glitch. One usually polices the other. But without any, I guess he felt he was blessed
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by Dalek

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

15 months? 
, so worth it

id gladly do 15 months for that
he has to pay it back too

good luck getting that money

guy can just chill with a minimum wage job as a convict and im sure the government has to allow him some kind of allotment for essentials

So he has to become a POS for thr rest of his life... Not worth it to me but it might work out for him
If you have access to literally unlimited money as the article describes, why the $%!$ would you be at the casino gambling to win more money!? Go do something with it you couldn't do while being broke especially since eventually you know you're going to get caught.

This dude BETTER be ahead of the game and is just saying he lost it all because if that isn't the ultimate fail I dont know what is. As WollyHopp said my bank imposes a limit on the amount that can be taken out so hopefully he was just at the casino because their ATMs would likely have much more cash in them to dispense and he's fronting that it was all lost at the tables and its spread out somewhere.
Originally Posted by trunks206

This dude BETTER be ahead of the game and is just saying he lost it all because if that isn't the ultimate fail I dont know what is.

Yep. Hope dude pulled a Blue Streak move and has that %!$! stashed in a building somewhere.
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