Did Your Father Get A Lot Of Women?

Dad is/was a $$$#!.....

Like Most men back in the day, I'm pretty sure he married my mother outta respect with me coming than outta love = Doomed from Jump

He found a new chick to make miserable and shes just going THROUGH it right now (heard he got a new daughter)

Never lived with him so that birds/bees talk..............Living in Brooklyn was my education

Definitely gotta talk to the seed about sex, AIDS wasn't really a problem in our parents day and women weren't putting fathers on child support like its going out of style back in the day either.......
my dad was a big time urban pharmaceutical provider in the "60's to the "80's in Harlem.  So he had a bunch of ladies left and right.  Married my mom out of respect but couldnt leave the life alone so eventually they got divorced.  
My "father' has 10 kids that we know of, and 6 baby mothers.

He was also overseas in the Army for 2 years when he was 21-23, so WHO KNOWS what else is out there.

He has a 3 year now at 50 years old.

So yeah... he got and still gets women. He is still a bum though.
My dad played for The U and the Dolphins. Deduce what you will...

I love my dad to death but his relationship with my mom taught how not to go about marriage.
My pops is still out smashing chicks and having seeds at 50. We've never had any heart to hearts about %##*+# cause he was to busy out getting buns.
my dad was 1985's senior class flirt. that all came to a end when he had my bro when he was 18 and me when he was 20. and hes 3 years older than my mom..so my mom was 16 when she had my bro, and 18 when she had me. They are still married 25 years
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