Did your father teach you to be a womanizer or a monogamist?

Which one are you?

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Come from a long line of players on my moms side.

Only real ish my dad ever told me is that “no woman is out of your league” and, “you only need a woman for the *****, I can cook, clean without them”
On another note...I know you got daughters, so do I. What game are you gonna pass? Or what image do you want them to see?

I tell them the truth. I don’t try to portray myself as perfect. I definitely highlight my mistakes so they don’t repeat them. I told them to focus on career from now until their mid 20s and if they decide they want a family, don’t wait until their 30s to find that guy because they’ll be sorting through damaged goods. Ideally, they’ll have met a partner by 25 and can build from there after they have their own things in order.

As for what most men want, I give them the truth there as well.
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My dad married my mom when he was 28yo and she was 20yo. They're still happily married after ~30 years together, retired before 50yo, and now just do charity/travel.

Here's what he told me:

- A woman can never love you if she doesn't respect you.
- Quality > quantity --> You're wasting time if you're associating with low-quality women. You need to vet your significant other hard.
- Judge a woman's love for you not when you're flourishing, but when you're struggling. If she doesn't support you when you're down and out, she's not ride or die.
- Be the rock in the relationship that she can look up to and admire.
- If you can make her laugh, you got her.
- Probably more life advice: Don't talk bad about anyone. Be the guy everyone loves and trusts.
My parents divorced when I was 6 or 7. I didn't know what was going on at the time but my dad had paranoid personality disorder. I didn't really learn much from him or my mom since she had to work all day for me and bro. My dad was out of his mind paranoid of everything. Now 20 years later he's alot better now but my now my brother has developed the PPD same as my dad. It's been a nightmare. But back on topic, talking to my dad now I can see he had a lot of knowledge to share but just wasn't in his right mind for decades
Yes...uncles, OG Cuzzos as well...

Pops got worse when I introduced him to soc media. These o’s Ain’t **** and don’t give a fuh if u Married
parents still married but my dad didnt teach me nothing bout females
when i was like 10 i told him i had a dream about my crush and he just laughed it off :lol:

i gave myself game from trial and error still learning too:smokin
im a gentleman to these females unless they step out of line
Yes...uncles, OG Cuzzos as well...

Pops got worse when I introduced him to soc media. These o’s Ain’t **** and don’t give a fuh if u Married

blanket statements are always false, but I will say many people generally don't respect their romantic commitments.

I have a strict "no wives" rule...it's probably dumb, but what can I say...some things don't unprogram.

edit: besides, somebody will physically kill you over their wife. it's just practical.
He's still out there playing woman and doing the same except the abusive part. It's funny to see him operate and yet the older ladies STILL fall for the same tricks/bs that they did as teens. One piece of advice I do follow is "always have the 2nd candle lit before the first one blows out". I didn't follow his lead as a womanizer, I just make sure to stay in control.

damn i guess the game never really does change lol bruh has an adult son and is still out here running hs/college game on **** lol
Sooo the old saying that "the apple doesn't fall from the tree" is what I'm implying here.
Growing up and seeing your dad, whether he was single, divorced, or married.
Did you pick up on his ways?
What were his ways?
Most of NT always gave off that "Whybhe don't love me?" vibe so I figured for quite a few their fathers weren't active in their lives to teach to be one way or the other but perhaps the absence did.
My father had the juice but I'm the complete opposite. Seems like every girl I'm interested has someone already; starting to think I'm cursed.
My father was a simp even after my mother cheated on him with our pastor he still wanted her back. I'm kinda cold to women in regards to this unfortunately.

Not sure if my dad taught my brother monogamy, but he did teach him to make sure he has his kids with one woman and make sure he always lives in the same home as his child.

Which is why my brother fought mad hard to make sure him and his baby mama stayed together and got married.

And my father is known for being the anti womanzier "lame"

parents been married for 29 years, cant stand each other and sleep in separate rooms the past three years but they will be alright.
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yo mama is a savage, thats messed up.

Tell me about it bro they got divorced in 2005 after 20 years of marriage and every women he's with or dates he compares to my mother. I'm like pops you got to move on it's not that serious but it was damaging though especially when everyone in our family found out she was totally nonchalant about it too. She was like accept my happiness and all this other bs ( the pastor cheated on her though so Karma came and went)
blanket statements are always false, but I will say many people generally don't respect their romantic commitments.

I have a strict "no wives" rule...it's probably dumb, but what can I say...some things don't unprogram.

edit: besides, somebody will physically kill you over their wife. it's just practical.
I follow that same rule as well. Funny thing is some of these females won’t tell you they married or make some BS. Then you find em on soc media all hugged up on hubby taking selfies. Cold world
My parents have been married for 35 years. I’m so blessed to have a father that set a great example for me. Looking at some of y’all stories I realize Im in the minority. I think every other day I tell him I love him/how I appreciate everything he’s done for me.

I never been smooth with the ladies. My father before marriage was hella charismatic. He is a Que. Before he met my mom he was a beast. I on the other hand was a late bloomer: body count 2. Didn’t lose virginity until grad school at a HBCU. My pops never made me feel bad about it. He always said my time would come. Getting married soon. I just hope I can be a good husband/provider like him.
My father had the juice but I'm the complete opposite. Seems like every girl I'm interested has someone already; starting to think I'm cursed.

If he got the juice then you gonna have the sauce,
Tell me about it bro they got divorced in 2005 after 20 years of marriage and every women he's with or dates he compares to my mother. I'm like pops you got to move on it's not that serious but it was damaging though especially when everyone in our family found out she was totally nonchalant about it too. She was like accept my happiness and all this other bs ( the pastor cheated on her though so Karma came and went)

of course he cheated lol

Hows your relationship with your mom?
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