difference between men and women - not much reading and pics. perfect for NT

I'm crying at shorty giving @Willchamberlain points for basic hygiene man
Bro i promise I had to teach her how to give the dome because she only did it twice before cuz son always had the musty balls. Go hoop, spray axe, go see girl n try to smash. That **** blew my mind when she told me but I'll take it. My dial stay handy son
How you teach her bro?
Not at all. Think deep about. Who came up with this shower once every 24 hour thing/ why couldnt it had been once every 4 hours or once every 13 hours. people are stuck they have to shower every 24 hours or get struck down.

If i shower int he morning and Im just chilling around the house or go to the store etc I wont shower until probably the next night before bed
You're either unemployed or...nah son you just unemployed. Who doesn't shower before every work/school day? This baffles me.

You don't need to think deep about it. Regardless of your feelings, our days revolve around a 24 hour time frame. You're either not doing enough in the day to realize you need a daily shower or you're just plain ol' coo with smelling like rat shi* in front of your peoples
word. how do you put on a suit/whatever you wear to work without taking a shower 
 spending the whole day feeling gross
Locked your keys in your car.

Woman: Calls tow or locksmith.

Man: Breaks window.

Misplaced the remote.

Woman: Patiently looks around and finds the remote.

Man: Stares at the TV.


I've literally had the "Your TV was interrupted" screen on for like an hour
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