Discipline or Child Abuse? Vol. Boxing Your Son

Aug 31, 2012

This video has been circulating around them internets over the past 24 hours.  Figured it'd make for an interesting discussion on NT.

Personally I'm of the opinion that this is child abuse regardless of the father's intent....but I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks.
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That's messed up man.
Father totally wanted the e props and failed miserably. Poor kid. He really hit him hard
Grown *** men looking for e props 
gat damn dudes face was bloodied up......

I believe in whoopins... but i dont believe in ever putting my hands on their face or making them bleed.
Boxing his son, who has ZERO chance, putting the vid on youtube. It's child abuse. This bamma (dad) failed somewhere along the way if he thinks this is either good or effective parenting. I wouldn't even be surprised if one of the boys teachers caught wind of this and turned the video over to child welfare. Dude is an idiot for doing this.
Son nose is the equivalent of Wladimir Klitschko jaw :smh:

From a boxing stand point it didn't seem like the father went hard at all. Anybody who is prone to nose bleeds will bleed with a very light tap. Also son had a somewhat decent-very amateur stance which at the very least implies he's trained/boxed before. So it wasn't like father just sparred with his son who didn't have the tools/knowledge to defend himself. My pop's use to make me spar with my older brothers (6 years & 8 years older than me) and their homies weekly and those bastards use to look forward to that day since I was the bad child growing up.

The kid learned a few things from that sparing session

1. Don't ditch school
2. Respect dad's over-hand right
3. Self defense
No issue with the boxing, he even gave son the chance to fight back. But the internet doesn't have to see this.

I understand the embarrassment factor he's trying to use against his son, but it makes him look lame.
Man if my som LOST a fight or was gettin in fights then maybe i would pull somethin like this....minus the hardcoreness
It's probably abuse but not to the point where I want anything done to them or child services to get involved. Just a "that's not cool." Especially putting it up online. Keep personal things private. Watched it without audio though.
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:lol: Ahh man so dumb.

And I'm talking about recording it and putting it online for the extra embarrassment.

To me a butt whooping with the belt/skipper/sandal would've been enough. The whole reasoning behind boxing is also dumb.

If I saw this vid without the intro and the end I would've said that's a big brother washing his little brother as they spar in the living room :lol:

Going off the level of violence I saw in this vid, the kid being 17, and the dad talking like he been training his son in boxing this is not child abuse at all.
You don't bloody your child's face b.

Or any other part of their body.

My pops used to beat me like that & to this day I still don't see the need for that kind of "discipline."
I wouldnt be suprised if this caused the lil kid to become more distruptive in and out of school
I wouldnt be suprised if this caused the lil kid to become more distruptive in and out of school
So deep down he likes to get beaten? :lol:

I mean he beat him up cuz he cut class. At the age of 17 he can't be dumb enough to think being noticeably disruptive in class is the answer.
Given the circumstances of the son cutting up in school, I'm cool with what the Dad did except posting the video online for all to see. Just keep that between you and your son.

I agree
I think it was acceptable
Wasn't like he was doing it outta anger
U can tell when someone is disciplining a kid out of anger
Not only that ain't like he was over doing it tryna knock him out
I mean **** I got whooped with belts and brushes
That walk to go get ur own switch off a tree :smh:
And it's even worse if u try to get the littlest one :lol:
But I don't see nothing wrong with what the father did
Not sure I would though
But different strokes for different folks
Seems like a Good concept for a teenager IMO
I wouldnt be suprised if this caused the lil kid to become more distruptive in and out of school
Imo whooping a kid depends on the act on which ur punishing them
As well as their mental physical and emotional state
Some kids just by nature are soft.
And whooping them can cause real physiological harm
Resentment as well as they may become abusive
I just think it's all about how u go about it
As well as talking and explaining the reason why they're getting a whooping
And not to just always use whoopings as a punishment
Sometimes people are quick to pick up a belt for trivial things
I think there are times when a whooping is needed and times when one isn't
not mad at this. this actually better than a whoopin. I never got a chance to hit back :smh:
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