Disco Legend Donna Summer Dead at 63

Now you know this is well before 90% of NT's time.

63, tho?! Crazy. RIP
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Now you know this is well before 90% of NT's time.

63, tho?! Crazy. RIP

good music is timeless... 90% of NT probably grew up listing to her 
just saying
'Love to Love You, Baby' is one hell of a slow burner. I have always thought that song was dope.
I'm young. First time really hearing her music for myself was that track "Power of One" in Pokemon: The Movie 2000. Heard it in the movie theaters, and instantly loved that track. Fast forward, recently I asked around on Twitter where I should start to get into her music. Before I could REALLY get into her stuff, I hear she just died 
. RIP to her.
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