DMX almost dies vol. More than music

I met DMX at the Ontario Mills Mall in Cali back in the day. It looked like X had come back from four wheeling because he was wearing dirty timbs and dirty dirt bike gear. My homie and I used to chill at the mall all day as youngsters and we saw x walking with his handlers and a whole bunch of people following him. We joined the group of people following him and we too followed him around the mall for a little bit. I got closer to X and went to try to shake his hand as he was shaking hands but I accidentally touched his chest while trying to shake his hand. In his famous voice x yelled at me " what are you a fruitcake ? Never touch a mans chest". I was embarrassed because everyone heard x say that to me and my homie was laughing. We still followed x around the mall and followed him into Burlington Coat Factory, x asked the group that was following if we knew where they keep underwear. Since I was familiar with where the underwear section is I told x where it was and he responded with "you again??". X purchased some underwear went to the Off Saks Fifth Avenie outlet purchased some timbs and walked out of the mall to his Escalade that had a trailor with four wheelers attached to it.. The energy and auro that emanated from x was crazy and he had superstar swag and a crazy vibe. Dude was mad chill and approachable and to this day I laugh my *** off when I think of how I accidently hit his chest trying to shake his hand and his response. A boring day at the mall chasing females with my homie turned into us following x around the mall as he shopped and interacted with fans. It seems like stocker ish to follow someone around the mall, but this was at a time when x was as his peak and we were huge fans and super young. It was a cool experience that I will never forget.

:lol: :lol: :lol: "You again?" :lol: :lol:

The post to SN perfect :lol:
I met DMX at the Ontario Mills Mall in Cali back in the day. It looked like X had come back from four wheeling because he was wearing dirty timbs and dirty dirt bike gear. My homie and I used to chill at the mall all day as youngsters and we saw x walking with his handlers and a whole bunch of people following him. We joined the group of people following him and we too followed him around the mall for a little bit. I got closer to X and went to try to shake his hand as he was shaking hands but I accidentally touched his chest while trying to shake his hand. In his famous voice x yelled at me " what are you a fruitcake ? Never touch a mans chest". I was embarrassed because everyone heard x say that to me and my homie was laughing. We still followed x around the mall and followed him into Burlington Coat Factory, x asked the group that was following if we knew where they keep underwear. Since I was familiar with where the underwear section is I told x where it was and he responded with "you again??". X purchased some underwear went to the Off Saks Fifth Avenie outlet purchased some timbs and walked out of the mall to his Escalade that had a trailor with four wheelers attached to it.. The energy and auro that emanated from x was crazy and he had superstar swag and a crazy vibe. Dude was mad chill and approachable and to this day I laugh my *** off when I think of how I accidently hit his chest trying to shake his hand and his response. A boring day at the mall chasing females with my homie turned into us following x around the mall as he shopped and interacted with fans. It seems like stocker ish to follow someone around the mall, but this was at a time when x was as his peak and we were huge fans and super young. It was a cool experience that I will never forget.
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