Do You Live In The Worst Dressed City In America? Vol: Oh noez

Jan 3, 2006

20. San Francisco

Marked by uber-brains from the Silicon Valley/biotech/finance nerd trifecta, aging blue bloods, Midwest transplants San Francisco exists, in part, as the older, wiser, straitlaced counterpoint to the younger, flashier, bottle-service-vodka-swilling Los Angeles. Aggressively casual and understated, San Franciscans eschew sartorial frivolity of any kind (like color, for example) in favor of the highly practical and high performing, not surprising in a city known more for its brain trust than style quotient. And it's no accident that good old dependable American brands like Levi's, Gap and Dockers are comfortably headquartered here. Muted earth tones and grayscale reign, possibly a reaction to generally abysmal weather or to the unrestrained flamboyance of its southern brethren (see: Newport Beach, the afore-mentioned LA). But would it kill you, San Francisco, to give the fleece a rest and put on a blazer for a night? We get it though, it can't be easy to be the intellectual capital of the country—just know that there are options out there, and that a wardrobe bought entirely from REI is not a source of pride.—Maxandra Short
I think frisco has some of the best dressed people. But its not too un heard of to find a 60 year old man  rocking nothing but a tootoo and a leather vest

New York City should of been counted as a whole somewhere in the top ten. I'm all for fashion risk but this city is losing its luster as a fashion leader.

2. Los Angeles
You've got your standard-issue hipsters to the East and your nouveau surfer class pedaling to the bar on their beach cruisers to your West, but it's what's in between that defines, no, dominates LA style. Angelenos wage a fierce, daily battle against time and taste so effective it would be admirable if the results weren't so obnoxious. Ground zero of this war against time is strongest in the thrumming hub of mind-blowing sartorial choices of the few neighborhoods nestled on the axis of Sunset Blvd. You know you're getting close when you start seeing a profusion of regrettable headwear, and once you spot a raffia porkpie, you have arrived. Fantasy-dressing reigns: men dress like boys, women like tweens, and middle-aged women like the trophy wives they once were. Remember: Los Angeles' most enduring sartorial contribution to the planet is leggings. And their sequel, the still-confusing jegging. But let's be fair: a city never known for its subtlety or restraint, why expect anything different from its residents? Why should we expect Angelenos to ever recover from the aesthetic thrill of Ed Hardy? It's smart if you think about it, why actually get a full body tattoo when you can buy the sartorial equivalent of one, with rhinestones?—Maxandra Short
Terrible list, it's all subjective, they basically bashed every style from preppy/fratty, to white trash, to guido, to street wear, to Mormon, to what one would wear on the golf course. What exactly are they looking for?
Brooklyn? probably talking about greenpoint and fort greene
tupid list. they just pick out the bad partsa bout every major city. How are fashion capitals like Los Angeles even on the list?
San Francisco and LA should not be on the list at all. I've traveled literally all over the globe and most of the world tries to dress like us, at least the people who want to dress like Americans
That list is so stupid how can 1 person represent the style/clothing of a whole city.
Even Complex could put together a better list than this.

This feature was an excuse for those writers to get hate off of their chest with all of those stereotypes. Please tell me they were interns.

GQ looking real bad with this one.
35. Raleigh
If you're in Raleigh, your %%%@ better have pleats. It's basically the town's mascot. And here's it's unofficial motto: "The world is your golf course." Southern bankers cruise from home to work and back home to change out of their off-the-rack, BOGO suits and into amoeboid polo shirts and hippy trousers. It's a great city to swoop in for the kill at happy hour. Girls in these bars have never seen a tailored anything, so it's easy to turn a head.—

this is true the people here are ridiculous.
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