Do you take walks by yourself?

Jul 18, 2012
Is it weird for a young person to take a walk alone?

I went for a walk in the park and for some reason the other walkers and joggers were giving me strange looks. I had on earbuds, Nike tech outfit, plus I'm fit. Didn't quite understand that. Older people can walk and no one cares.

Do you take walks by yourself and what is your reason for it?

Do you say hello and smile at the other exercisers? Maybe that's what I was supposed to do to fit in.
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I run and usually smile/nod at others.

Love it. Nice to get some alone time and think; clear my head. Feel refreshed after a good run and a shower.
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All the time.

There's nothing I can't enjoy doing dolo maybe besides the casino or a club, or evening social gatherings like that.

Everything else I actually prefer being by myself.
I enjoy it, especially at night. Though admittedly I find myself doing it less, concerned about being harassed by cops.
I used to but not anymore..
You're not from NY if you don't appreciate a good long solo walk
When I was in high school, towards the evening hours, would burn one and just walk, I enjoyed the serenity of it.
I take walks with the dog. Nothing wrong with walking alone though. It's a good thing.
When I run I usually end up looking at a lot of people..That's probably what it was, op. I hope all the people I look at don't go to the forums they frequent and make threads about people giving them looks :nerd:
sometimes (well, alot  actually) ill leave work, catch the metro down to DC, and walk around downtown...ill walk from Dupont to Union Station (roughly 2.5 miles depending on the route) part of my day or week, feels even better when its cold out...i envy anyone who works IN DC, i hate working in Bethesda
So you were walking in the park decked out in runner's gear and people were giving you strange looks?

I don't think it was because you were walking alone for some reason :lol:

I do it all the time. Especially to blaze.
No, I don't go for walks.

Then again, I do go for walks. But rarely. And that's when I'm on my way to Dunkin Donuts.
Is it weird for a young person to take a walk alone?

I went for a walk in the park and for some reason the other walkers and joggers were giving me strange looks. I had on earbuds, Nike tech outfit, plus I'm fit. Didn't quite understand that. Older people can walk and no one cares.

Do you take walks by yourself and what is your reason for it?

Do you say hello and smile at the other exercisers? Maybe that's what I was supposed to do to fit in.
What kicks you had on? Maybe they thought you weren't fresh enough?
I love it.

I take regular solo walks. Typically in the evening or night.

It gives me time to think and time to be by myself.

They're especially helpful when I need to cool off from a heated situation.
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