Does Amazon price adjust if they already shipped?

May 18, 2005
External HD just dropped in price :x :smh:

it's only $15 but literally less than 24 hours.
I don't really see a way to contact the seller or anything on google about price adjustment other than cancelling the order pre-shipping
i think if it's shipped and stocked by amazon they do. just hit up a online chat with them, email, phone call, etc. not sure about ones that are stocked by another business.
Yeah I'd suggest doing what dont be a menace suggested. Not the first time I've seen and heard that happen.

I'd also suggest once you add something to your cart (or everything you're going to buy at that time) to pay for it asap. I added a book once and when I got home to pay the damn thing increased by $20 :smh:
Explain the situation to a customer service rep. The online chat method is usually helpful. They'll handle it.

If for some odd reason, they deny it. A. try again with a different rep. B. return the Item for a refund and place a new order at the lower price.
they should. Last week I ordered a MBP with 1 day shipping. my item was in the "preparing for shipment phase" on the website when it price dropped by 30-40.

I emailed them asking for a price match. They responded by saying they don't have a price matching policy but will make an exception this time around. Got the difference refunded to my account the next day
They used to. Now, it's hit-or-miss. I think they check your history and see if you do it a lot. They'll do it once or twice, especially if it hasn't shipped, but they won't let you do it all the time.
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