Does Everybody in Business Start in Sales?

Oct 29, 2006
Graduating in May, interviewing with 3 companies currently, all for sales rep positions.
My degree is in Operations Management and I've worked at UPS since 2007 and I would like to stay with the company and get promoted to full-time supervisor or manager but its a long process and my supervisors aren't being very helpful. 

I just want to make the right decision and I'm not getting any responses for operations jobs so I am really considering these sales opportunities, I don't think I'm ready for full commission so I am favoring base+ commission salary. My ideal career is to be in operations, warehousing, shipping + recieving supervisor type positions but if sales is where I have to start I will take it. 
OP, how do you feel about sales?

I am of the belief that people are either cut out for sales or they are not. Sales people are a different breed. I've tried sales in the past and its not for me. If you are good at sales though...
. Friends that do sales for a living piss on my annual salary. You can make a damn good living if you are good at sales, and it seems to be easier to find a new job since sales is a marketable skill.

If you are open to doing some sales, but also want to have a career that encompasses operations, warehousing, shipping/receiving, etc... etc.. I recommend you check this out.

This was my first gig out of college (Mgmt Trainee Program). It wasnt for me (because I hate sales), BUT the company itself is solid and if you go through the program and work at it, it really gives you an opportunity to succeed, be your own boss (kinda), and earn some bucks. Its not some multilevel marketing BS or anything like that. Basically they train you to run your own location/warehouse, and once you get there you will be in a position to have control over how much you make (as bonus structures are tied to the profitability of your location).
This girl that works the counter at my job (car rental place at the air port) makes well over $50,000/year. Probably somewhere closer to $75,000, but it's not all legit.

Mojodmonky1 is definitely right about them being different breeds though. You almost have to not care about people at all, but care about them at the same time.
Sales with the right commission is #bawse..

Meet so many people .. doing alot of traveling ...

Its dope if in the right situation.
I'm in OP's same situation (minus working at UPS)
but yeah Aflac was pressed to have me come in for a interview for a "executive sales position".  Luckily I went on glassdoor and didn't waste my time and gas to go to it.
I started in sales; was very good at it but didn't like it so I moved into finance 
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