Does undergrad even matter ? NT I need your help!

Sep 23, 2008
I can't decide between Georgia Southern and Georgia State. I plan to major in accounting and possibly going to law school afterwards. Would paying  10000 extra going to Georgia State( a research university) over Georgia Southern look better when I apply to law school. Has anyone on here gone to either one of these schools or know of someone ? I'm very lost as to where to go.
Don't take your X-box to school bro. It'll be the end of you.
And there'll always be random heads tryna be at your spot
so they can play.
Proof is in the pudding. Look up the employment rate of accounting majors post graduation for both schools and you'll see for yourself which is better.

It's typically better to go to a school with more recognition, but companies looking to hire specific majors know which schools tend to graduate better workers. Maybe if you know someone who works in the Accounting field, you could try asking them?

I've personally never heard of Georgia Southern so...
Georgia State.

The big 4 heavily recruit here, even Turner does as well if you can't get a big 4.
Originally Posted by vkhoj

I would really reconsider Law School right now if you're just interested in a salary and not passionate about it.

If you want to major in accounting see what firms do on campus recruiting at each specific school, you'll want to look for the Big 4, and choose whichever one gives you the most options.

Prestige does matter say if it was Harvard vs. state school but in this particular case it doesn't really. Go where you feel most comfortable given the location, feel, price and opportunities.
You just need to decide if are really are going to pursue it or not. 
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