Does weed give you a hangover?

Sep 5, 2021
I smoked a lot of it when I was in college and went through a two year stretch in my early 30s where i was stoned almost 24/7. But I never experienced anything resembling a hangover.

Then I quit for over a decade and only recently started experimenting with edible gummies as a non-prescription painkiller means of reducing chronic soreness following shoulder surgery.

Gummies are nice…I like em.

That led to smoking a few joints and I was shocked by how hungover I felt the next day. Not even smoking a full joint at a time. Usually just half a one. So last night i tried a different strain with lower levels of THC and I still woke up this morning feeling like stir fried **** again, despite my best efforts to hydrate as much as possible the night before.

I’m 48 years and I’m wondering if my mind and body just can’t take it anymore.

Happen to anyone else?
I’m a couple decades younger but I think I’ve felt a little airheadedness, like I was slower and dumber, everything not clicking. Nothing where I was feeling certifiably hungover though.
Not really hung over but sometimes if I go really hard I kinda feel like I still have a little buzz in the morning
woke up still high off that champelli pack. Straight gas.
Love waking up and feeling a bit terpy. Smoke a menthol kool and chillax mode activated
Only time I still feel high off bud is when its gummies but that's mainly cuz I be clueless with #s and measurements of units so I didn't know if 500mg was a lot or not and took like 3 :lol:
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