[| -- Drake - "OVER" (VIDEO) Co-Starring Rita Ora (Directed By Anthony Mandler) -- |]

Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

Seen this in the comments section on TSS and it summed up how I feel pretty well:
The reason why I think this video won’t work with most people is because Drake is trying to do these abstract type videos like Jay-Z/Kanye. The problem is Jay-Z & even Kanye have a whole catalog of standard videos before them and now these type of abstract videos work for where they are in this point of their careers with the mystic, elite-ism and separation that they’re trying to create from us “regular
If the video had split between the "abstract" scenes and him being in the club/party around a bunch of random people it would have played more into the theme of the song and would've been a better video.
Cool song but terrible video. It made no sense, yeah the videos artsy but there's a big deference between artsy and creative this was wack. Drake needs to holler at SOME and MEGAFORCE let them dudes in Paris do your video these Americans directors do him dirty every time.
Video coulda made sense and yall woulda complained lol

"Its what i expected" "It was too plain"

it dont really matter haha

i love you guys
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

it was aight... it was like they tried to make it artistic like some kanye @@+% but got lazy and just threw random effects in...
exactly. its like when dudes try to make things look cool in photoshop so they put lens flares and filters everywhere
^Based on that comment alone i'am gonna take a guess and say light up feat. hova is next up. would make sense that drake wants to put out a hip-hop head oriented track to get his earlier listeners drawn back in. i think all things fresh was eluding to this as well.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

People still care about the concepts behind videos?

yeah .. i still care.. and the way that drakes been talking about bringing it back to the days of funk flex bombs, liner notes, etc., i was hoping that the video would be a throwback to that era. im tired of all these abstract gaga-like vids. on to the next one was terrible to me; just a bunch of random stuff thrown together.

i know the club scene had been done to death, but i thought that this was an opportunity to do a club scene with a fresh perpsective on it, kinda like the concept of the song. 
Originally Posted by sherwin100s

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Im just going to point this out to yall. Drake is a cornball. He is a very good rapper but a cornball nonetheless in reality he doesnt really have swag or anything like that but he can rap about it very well. Just saying..
The rap Ryan Leslie????
i get the video now... certain parts drake appears to be on fire...

this is his "crossing" video... he's officially in the illuminati now...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

i get the video now... certain parts drake appears to be on fire...

this is his "crossing" video... he's officially in the illuminati now...

just had to add this review from bol from xxl...

" Not only is the video for “Over
Originally Posted by Dapper D

They treated that video like it was a street single video or some *%!%...
AND...This N got NO music video swag whatsoever....

song still bump though...
reminds me of the Glow in the Dark tour with all them random lights and images flying around.
but not feeling it and i actually like the song
Originally Posted by Key 2 Life

I liked it......I don't think anything this dude does will satisfy the masses, because he's been put on a pedastal, and as a result of that everyone expects perfection (which is impossible).
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