Dream Flashback Thing? Anyone else have this problem?

Dec 23, 2011
So I have this thing where certain images or events will trigger actual flashbacks to dreams from my memory.  And it’s a really weird feeling, I go lightheaded, sort of like I have a really bad a headache and I’m usually taken aback for a while.  It’s very disconcerting, it throws my rhythm way off and can make me out of it for hours.  It bothers me, like I think it’s my brain’s response to recalling a dream so vividly: like, what’s real and what’s not?  This didn’t even start happening until a year or two ago and it doesn’t happen very often but when it does, I know.  I’m not crazy either, there are multiple cases of this on the internet even though there’s no actual psychological diagnosis.  I’ve always had a strange connection with dreams, I dream more than most people (3-5 dreams last night alone about severed heads) and definitely have more lucid dreams than the average person.  So I figure this ties into that somehow, but I guess what I’m saying is what does it all mean?  I’ve read of this happening to people multiple times a day and can only thank God that it only happens to me once in a while.  Anyway, anyone else have this problem?
Shrug. I'll usually have a dream and about a week later I'll be minding my own business when I see a scene that closely replicates what was in my dream. Dunno, I typically have at least 2 long dreams a night.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Deja vu, and yes i've had it. I'm sure everyone does.

Nah, it's not deja vu.  It's def something different.  When I get this it takes me completely out of it, when I get deja vu it doesn't.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Deja vu, and yes i've had it. I'm sure everyone does.
Sometimes, I'll feel a deja vu coming and I'll try to call the next move and be completely wrong 
. Friends/fam sitting there with the 
Funny this thread was made this just happened to me today. Saw a dude with the old Motorola Razr as I was stopped at a crosswalk. Instantly I remembered the night before I was using my Razr that I had years ago. Its weird that I was even dreaming about that, and its even weirder that someone is still using one. I cant tell you how long its been since ive seen one of these phones. Why in the hell is it that the one day I happened to look over at this kid for no reason and see it that I just happened to be using the same phone the night before in my dream. That cant be a coincidence.

This isnt the first time its happened either. 2 nights ago when I was watching Spartacus they showed a shooting star and I saw flashes of my dream the night before when I saw a bunch of shooting stars in my dream. I would never have even remembered the dream until I saw it in real life. This happens to me all the time.
Edit: How did Motorola automatically become a link when I typed that? Ive never seen that before.
The mind is more powerful than you think. Your brain actually records EVERYTHING you've seen or heard in your ENTIRE life. And I mean EVERYTHING. What holds you back is what you allow yourself to remember. Certain moments in your life results in flashbacks of events you previously saw. I can't count how many times I've had feelings where I thought I was reliving something that already happen.

Your brain is amazing. Might some dumb, but I genuinely believe that our brains could allow us telekinesis if we managed to harness it right.
its a way of life for some. dream journal is what you need so you can make sense of things and close them off so you can experience your day with out any bleed through of what happened in your minds eye at night.
Happens to me every once in a while... Lately a lot of weird coincidences have been happening to other people I cross paths with who are in no way connected.........I think.. Need to jb my ipod to get that sleep app..
This happens to me all the time. It's just annoying when I start telling someone something and realize that it never actually happened outside of my dreams.
Happens from time to time for me.  Like I'll be doing something, and an event will occur that will cause me to think "Where have I seen this before?  Did I dream this?"  Then I'll spend a few minutes thinking about it and getting frustrated about why I can't figure it out, then move on with my day. 

On another note, I need to try that dream journal thing and document my dreams.
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