Eating in the grocery store is wrong - VOTE -

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Dec 20, 2000
Dating a lady for a couple weeks > We go to grocery store > She opens bag of chips > Starts eating > Me :smh: > She get's mad that I am embarrassed > We're not dating anymore.

Eating in the grocery store is GHETTO unless you're at costco eating samples given to you.

I Am Pissed
Did she buy it? Never considered it to be that bad if they pay for it.

It's the same as if she brought the chips into the store with her
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I've given my daughter some fruit snacks out of a pack to eat while grocery shopping. Obviously, I paid for it when I got to the register. In some instances, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Sampling grapes, or something along those lines isn't bad.
You'll be fine just keep it pushin homie

One foot in front of the other.

wait ya'll don't try the grapes before you buy to see if its any good?

Nah man.

Then what are you mad about? :rofl:

She was going to town like she was starving.

No harm no foul then to me, but I can see why you'd be mad, and why you would consider it to be Ghetto. I cant knock you for your rationale

Only time I've seen people do that was in a ghetto area not in a whole foods.

then i fail to see an issue

is it odd? sure but its w/e since she paid for it when she easily could have "stolen" it

I can't condone it, you don't open food you haven't purchased.
its low class i agree with opie

Thank you homie.

I've given my daughter some fruit snacks out of a pack to eat while grocery shopping. Obviously, I paid for it when I got to the register. In some instances, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Sampling grapes, or something along those lines isn't bad.

You got bring snacks man, don't the youth thinking it ok to do this.

LOL. At least you caught this early.

I know man, thank god, I bet she's the type to get a water cup and fill it with soda :smh:
i knew people that would open and eat a box of pop tarts in the grocery store...the cinnamon ones...but wouldnt pay for it 
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I live in the suburbs and I see it from time to time from all types of people. People wanting to snack on food theyre going to pay for is not a big deal to me. Its not a practice I frequently engage in, because quite frankly I would feel uncomfortable doing so, but I dont think I can say with the utmost confidence that I havent eaten an Oreo out of my pack whilst waiting to pay for them. I probably have to be honest.
I know man, thank god, I bet she's the type to get a water cup and fill it with soda
This is stealing, I dont think you can compare the two.

One is just "bad manners"
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So low class imo. I was in the grocery store with some coworkers and they were strolling up and down the aisles casualy eating chips :smh: you're not that hungry. Some stores consider that stealing actually.
I live in the suburbs and I see it from time to time from all types of people. People wanting to snack on food theyre going to pay for is not a big deal to me. Its not a practice I frequently engage in, but I dont think I can say with the utmost confidence that I havent eaten an Oreo out of my pack whilst waiting to pay for them. I probably have to be honest.
This is stealing, I dont think you can compare the two.

One is just "bad manners"

I rarely see people do it and I go to the grocery store often.

I'm not comparing the two, I'm just saying I bet she does that.
Little stuff like candy and **** yea I don't see the problem. But stuff like chips, soda, donuts, bread, cereal, t-shirts and socks, stuff like that, is a no no :stoneface:
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So low class imo. I was in the grocery store with some coworkers and they were strolling up and down the aisles casualy eating chips :smh: you're not that hungry. Some stores consider that stealing actually.

I just read that a pregnant air force sergeant was arrested in Hawaii for eating a sandwich in a grocery store.
Man, when I was kid, and my mom took me grocery shopping... She would tell me it's dinner time.. On some Bundies toothpick/free sample type ish...
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