Eating Peoples Food At Work

jape jape You been quiet. This means either you got the Break Room Bandit or you're in jail for clapping his shoulders. If it's the latter and you need bail, let us know form the penitentiary library computer and we'll start a GoFundMe for your bail.
jape jape You been quiet. This means either you got the Break Room Bandit or you're in jail for clapping his shoulders. If it's the latter and you need bail, let us know form the penitentiary library computer and we'll start a GoFundMe for your bail.
bandit hasn't been back but someone took down my sign :nerd:
my coworker even left some food out for the thief to take cause no one wanted it and it was untouched. maybe they caught the perpetrator.
bandit hasn't been back but someone took down my sign :nerd:
my coworker even left some food out for the thief to take cause no one wanted it and it was untouched. maybe they caught the perpetrator.
Nah pleighboi waiting on you to put your leftovers from the night before in there so he can snatch it like a thief in the night word to Young Thug.
:lol: Trying to predict their behavior is funny and the fact that they aren't giving in makes it funnIER
Saw this on fb and made me think of y’all that need help getting your lunches not stolen 😂

:lol: Good idea
This seems like it could be a TV show. Planting prank food to catch the thief. Similar to the glitter bomb porch pirate thing.
jape jape you stopped updating us. Let us know the conclusion to your thief situation. Please respond.
We didn’t get any closure but everyone’s lunches stop getting stolen. We lost 2 employees in that time span. One was an older nurse who could’ve been the culprit cause she ended up being a scumbag who got fired for stealing hours. I still don’t think it was her though. I think it was a travel nurse from all the different people coming in to help with covid. They have notoriously bad reps for not giving a ****.
There have been three recent occurrences of people having their lunch stolen at my work. To stop this, they put snack and fruit baskets in each of the break rooms.
The only way to stop it is to set up bait lunches :lol:. Sprinkle some ghost in it too. Lets see if them savages ever take someone's lunch again. :rofl:
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