eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

lmaoo at that link...the first thing the guy says is "MY NAME IS RICCO I AM A SNEAKER COLLECTOR FOR ABOUT 8 YEARS NOW" sounds like hes in a shoerehab!
Originally Posted by ZombieJesus12

^ That's because the little kids who fit into that size don't have very good jobs
Whoa Whoa Whoa playboy, I'm a grown *^& man and thats the size I wear. I'm also so a lawyer soooooooo. I and my fellow small footedbrethren take offense to that comment ya dig! Nah but on the real its all love man, just wanted to hold it down for the size 8 family.
I feel like an idiot about paying for pics on ebay now. It never even crossed my mind to host them myself. Thanks for sayin somethin about it.
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

lmaoo at that link...the first thing the guy says is "MY NAME IS RICCO I AM A SNEAKER COLLECTOR FOR ABOUT 8 YEARS NOW" sounds like hes in a shoe rehab!
avid BOSS

I was watching those space jams too but I didn't even bother to bid since it was already so high lol but hope it is worth every penny. I also missed out onthe guy's black red XI he also had and those ended at a fair price. But the price you paid for those space jams is piggy bank money compared to this otherauction which ended for $750 lol.
i was watching that auction but had no interest in any of the shoes besideds the shrooms so i passed :/
I am so mad about those humaras, my size too! Dang, oh well I didnt see them so i guess ignorance really is bliss.....
Originally Posted by Trieze K

I am so mad about those humaras, my size too! Dang, oh well I didnt see them so i guess ignorance really is bliss.....
man your telling me i was sitting there waiting til it hit 5 seconds and had a max bid of 89.99..then my computer for some reason wanted to slow downwhich NEEEVER happens man i was soooo sour
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