EDIT 3: Why do successful black women think successful men care about their money?

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I make more money than the average white man...

I'm 5'11"... 1 year removed from collegiate sports

masters degree... 24 next month..

black, no kids, and would rather kick it with a chick than hit the club...

why aren't the yambs falling in my lap like the numbers suggest?

#foreverugly and #foreveraloneeemdoeIgotthestatstheseyambswant

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Maybe cause you always throwing your stats in somebody face
so basically... I'm just doing what these so called "successful black women" do right?

just rustling... I love my sistahs more than anything... just wish they weren't so defensive at times

This. I feel like for me, if I have an online profile saying im an educated african man with government job, own car, good credit, no baby momma's, I should have throngs of women messaging me. Now I'm in the wrong for stating this but mr hood dude has multiple baby mommas and is pulling more than me. It doesn't make sense

Because Mr hood dude has nothing to lose. You sound like your in the right lane. Step your game up and do a better job putting yourself out there.. Nothing is giving to you.
Wait I'm confused.Aren't most good black men too "corny" or "lame" for a lot of these women? Smh
@oidreez my grandfather told me it's in you not on you..some are born with the gift of gab and others learn it throughout life
not to play devils advocate but any women brought into this world has it easy, because at the end of the day there daddies little girl and her father will always provide a path for her like college or she just got to wait for the right man to come along. meanwhile us men have to fend for our own and discover the challenges of life tru trial and error. They're are exceptions where a female isn't aided in becoming a successful women.
not to play devils advocate but any women brought into this world has it easy, because at the end of the day there daddies little girl and her father will always provide a path for her like college or she just got to wait for the right man to come along. meanwhile us men have to fend for our own and discover the challenges of life tru trial and error. They're are exceptions where a female isn't aided in becoming a successful women.
I love that everyone in here is complaining about professional black women's LOFTY or UNREALISTIC expectations. Expectations include: no felonies, college degree...work a real job.
Y'all act like every black women expects a black man to have Lebron's bank account. Stop. The bar is UNBELIEVABLY low for y'all but a VERY LARGE PERCENTAGE of y'all would rather drop out of high school, commit felonies, make babies you don't support, and or take a couple of college classes with no direction.
Exactly. People go for people who are like them. So a woman with a job, education, and is heading in the right direction in life will usually go for a guy with those same qualities. 
As a dude who speaks Arabic and has spent a significant amount of time in the Middle East/Africa, Arab women are worse then American girls. There sense of entitlement is sky high. African girls are alright, depends what part of Africa your talking about though. East African girls >>>>  

Never met a girl from Haiti before though. My inbox is open 
Salaam. Kaif alhal?
الحمدلله أنا تمام. كف حالك يا باشا

Count me in with the men who dont want a challenge 

. Life is hard enough as it is
أنا تعبت من هذه المناقشة.
نفس الشاي أخي. مين علمتك العربية؟
I love that everyone in here is complaining about professional black women's LOFTY or UNREALISTIC expectations. Expectations include: no felonies, college degree...work a real job. :lol: :stoneface: Y'all act like every black women expects a black man to have Lebron's bank account. Stop. The bar is UNBELIEVABLY low for y'all but a VERY LARGE PERCENTAGE of y'all would rather drop out of high school, commit felonies, make babies you don't support, and or take a couple of college classes with no direction.
The video wasnt made about black males not being able to find wives. Its not us felony committing HS dropouts who are having problems finding spouses. If those were there standards they would have no issue finding husbands
lol@men not being able to find women...

Tyrone on probation at his moms house bashing the back out of with the same women you are too afraid to strike up a convo with.

So much truth, Screw all that talk about careers, I know some broke dudes that smash and have these so call "Success black females", Cashing out on them and giving up that box at will.
Not enough pics in this thread.

Would like to say that if you're black and as successful as you think you are, and you can't get black women...why bother. There will definitely be some great black girls who are everything you're looking for, but if you can't find them and don't feel like waiting around then there are many other white, asian, hispanic, arab, etc. women that would love to date an intelligent black dude. They come with their own set of issues (as does every woman regardless of color) but if they're down and you're feelin them, why waste any time.

I grew up living in the suburbs AND in Flint, MI (i.e. the gutter) and I've seen how many different black women act in many different circumstances. Seems like in many instances (disclaimer: NOT ALL INSTANCES) the ones from the burbs either a) want a hood dude to make themselves feel better about their own "success" or b) feel the need to beat into you how successful they are while threatening that they're still "hood" enough to do blah blah blah. Not very attractive. Meanwhile, the hood girls judge you and feel you're too bourgeois / not "real". Either way, if you're willing to play the right games the right way, then you can probably still bag any of the individuals described above. Honestly, the aforementioned types are really stereotypical and not indicative of the entire population... but if they ARE what you're dealing with, and you can't wait for that right black girl...then like I said above, go to something else.
lol@men not being able to find women...

Tyrone on probation at his moms house bashing the back out of with the same women you are too afraid to strike up a convo with.

So much truth, Screw all that talk about careers, I know some broke dudes that smash and have these so call "Success black females", Cashing out on them and giving up that box at will.

This is definitely happening, and no one can hate on these dudes. Only question I'd ask is whether you really want to be with the "successful" chicks that Tyrone is smashing out. If she thinks she has a solid future with a broke, jobless cat on probation, then I don't think I want her DNA in my children.
Just compare the posts of coffee black with tally or whatever...then look at another NTers post...it ain't hard to tell. 
So just because a chick got a degree and a stable job that means she's successful?

80% of these self proclaimed "successful" black women aren't any more successful than anyone else out here bruh.

Just cause you got a degree and a couple pay checks, that doesn't mean you deserve a man who's on an entirely different level than you. It means you deserve a man with a degree and a paycheck.

All these kinds of women do is complain, but they don't realize that theres more to life than sitting and waiting for some **** you feel like is owed to you to come sweep you off your feet.

They need to grow up and get with reality.

Your level of success might not be success to a man who wants a woman who can cook, clean, take care of the kids, and go to work every morning. If all you got is 1 out of 4, how successful do you really think you are in HIS eyes?

A female with a accredited education, car, home and a middle class salary before we put our taxes together is successful to me, yes. Why can't women desire someone who has the same accomplishments as them? Like I previously said I don't see successful women asking for things beyond their level, I see women who make 25K looking for a man who a Mercedes and a six figure salary.

Tell a woman who does something with her life you can't see her/sex her because you're studying/working :pimp: she'll be there rubbing your back while the pasta is boiling :lol:

You mean telling a black woman you'll be over after your under employed, unmotivated *** smokes a blunt and finishes playing Xbox, or after you leave court "for some bull***" isn't attractive? No way! What's next, are you going to tell me black women are turned off when a buster needs to "hold" $20 for some gas money or asks for a black woman to put a Best Buy credit card in her name so he can cop a Samsung LED??!


not to play devils advocate but any women brought into this world has it easy, because at the end of the day there daddies little girl and her father will always provide a path for her like college or she just got to wait for the right man to come along. meanwhile us men have to fend for our own and discover the challenges of life tru trial and error. They're are exceptions where a female isn't aided in becoming a successful women.

So you're just going to ignore statistics that state otherwise huh
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So just because a chick got a degree and a stable job that means she's successful?

80% of these self proclaimed "successful" black women aren't any more successful than anyone else out here bruh.

Just cause you got a degree and a couple pay checks, that doesn't mean you deserve a man who's on an entirely different level than you. It means you deserve a man with a degree and a paycheck.

All these kinds of women do is complain, but they don't realize that theres more to life than sitting and waiting for some **** you feel like is owed to you to come sweep you off your feet.

They need to grow up and get with reality.

Your level of success might not be success to a man who wants a woman who can cook, clean, take care of the kids, and go to work every morning. If all you got is 1 out of 4, how successful do you really think you are in HIS eyes?

A female with a accredited education, car, home and a middle class salary before we put our taxes together is successful to me, yes. Why can't women desire someone who has the same accomplishments as them? Like I previously said I don't see successful women asking for things beyond their level, I see women who make 25K looking for a man who a Mercedes and a six figure salary.

I think I may have misunderstood your post - Are you saying a woman making 25k is in the same degree of success as a guy who owns a Mercedes making six figures?

That aside (since I'm not sure that's what you meant), having an "accredited" education, a car, a home, and a middle class salary can be really impressive, or extremely unimpressive. You definitely have to be more specific. For one, where is the degree from? Two, what kind of car, and where is the home? Three, what salary are we talking here? There's a huge range in all of the characteristics you posted lol.
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