Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I would put my life on it that if this was even close to being true that there would be at least one legit news source to hop on it. Your acting like the local news in Portland gets a gun pointed to their head and are forced to say specific things.
So you believe news stations can just report whatever they want without passing it on to someone's desk to get approved? Cool.
Bruh you must be high. You ever heard of ratings? A news channel would love to jump on this and be first to report it. This whole conspiracy is straight disrespect to all the lives lost and their family's.
Bruh you must be high. You ever heard of ratings? A news channel would love to jump on this and be first to report it. This whole conspiracy is straight disrespect to all the lives lost and their family's.
Yes I have heard of ratings which is why I am saying that anything reported is calculated.

A conspiracy is disrespectful to those that lost their lives? Really? Ok.

News channels have to report to higher powers man. You are missing that point. News channels aren't independent entities. They are told what to and what not to report. It isn't like it is some independent news source (Like NaturalNews which you dismissed as incredible).

But you got it man......
Bruh you must be high. You ever heard of ratings? A news channel would love to jump on this and be first to report it. This whole conspiracy is straight disrespect to all the lives lost and their family's.
Yes I have heard of ratings which is why I am saying that anything reported is calculated.

A conspiracy is disrespectful to those that lost their lives? Really? Ok.

News channels have to report to higher powers man. You are missing that point. News channels aren't independent entities. They are told what to and what not to report. It isn't like it is some independent news source (Like NaturalNews which you dismissed as incredible).

But you got it man......

If your child was shot and people try and say it was fake and your paid actors, that wouldn't offend you in any way?
So every news has to report to a higher up? You mean the boss that's job relies on ratings and being able to have the news out first?
In your thinking there's some dude in the pentagon who approves of everything that every single news station in the u.s. reports. Well god damn now I know what Santa Claus does outside of Christmas
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. The "boss" is not the BOSS. Stuff has to get approved before it is aired on the news.

And if it were my child and folks were discussing the evils of this world would I be offended? Nah. They had/have nothing to do with the crime. I wouldn't be offended. That is me though.

It just bothers me that in 2013 people still believe everything they see/hear on the news.
It just bothers me that in 2013 people still believe that anything they don't see on the news isn't legit.

But you got it man. :smokin
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. The "boss" is not the BOSS. Stuff has to get approved before it is aired on the news.

And if it were my child and folks were discussing the evils of this world would I be offended? Nah. They had/have nothing to do with the crime. I wouldn't be offended. That is me though.

It just bothers me that in 2013 people still believe everything they see/hear on the news.
It just bothers me that in 2013 people still believe that anything they don't see on the news isn't legit.

But you got it man. :smokin

You get your news from a guy that says HIV/aids is a government conspiracy. And your bothered by someone who doesn't believe him? Sheep
Nice way of morphing my argument. :pimp:

I am simply saying, news stations report to high authorities. They can't just report what they want to report. Not really a hard concept to understand.

"Local" news stations are affiliates of major news companies.

Yes that is exactly what I am saying. The "boss" is not the BOSS. Stuff has to get approved before it is aired on the news.
And if it were my child and folks were discussing the evils of this world would I be offended? Nah. They had/have nothing to do with the crime. I wouldn't be offended. That is me though.
It just bothers me that in 2013 people still believe everything they see/hear on the news.
It just bothers me that in 2013 people still believe that anything they don't see on the news isn't legit.
But you got it man. :smokin

I understand you being intrigued by the conflicting reports and whatnot, but I don't understand what there would be to cover up. Why would anyone cover up multiple shooters? When it comes to cover ups there are usually people that benefit from the cover up. The only scenario that would justify a cover up is that they are covering up erroneous police actions.
I understand you being intrigued by the conflicting reports and whatnot, but I don't understand what there would be to cover up. Why would anyone cover up multiple shooters? When it comes to cover ups there are usually people that benefit from the cover up. The only scenario that would justify a cover up is that they are covering up erroneous police actions.
or envoke ppl to want to take guns off the streets... or who knows....
A good read that makes you think. Check it out if you have time, and approach it with an open mind.

Why We Won’t Stop Mass Killings: We Like Them Too Much | Daniel Altman | bigthink.com

Forgive me if I’ve already offended you with the title of this piece, but I’m an economist. As such, I tend to weigh up the costs and benefits of just about anything when trying to figure out what it means for society. And when it comes to mass killings, my analysis suggests we have some reason for introspection.

Because of the inescapable reach of media, mass killings affect virtually everyone. While the victims and the ones who loved them suffer terribly, the rest of us may feel a combination of many emotions: grief (through empathy), fear, disbelief, curiosity, fascination, and even a thrill at seeing the commotion caused by what happened. Each horrific event puts us on a new emotional binge.
Spoiler to continue reading:

After shootings like the one in Newtown, the media descend excitedly on the crime scene, and the public tunes in to see and hear the latest details. It’s like rubbernecking at the site of an accident on the highway; we do it because we want to, either to satisfy curiosity or to fulfill some visceral need for morbid stimulation. Then we find out about the killer and the circumstances of the murders, and we argue righteously about how our society has to change. Doing this may actually make us feel good.

Later on, the media produce articles and programs eulogizing the dead. These items usually make us feel good, too. Most of us didn’t know the victims, and most of us didn’t grieve much at their deaths. Yet because of their deaths, primetime hours and column inches can be filled with heartwarming stories of their lives. You can be sure that the writers and television producers feel good about producing these items, too.

So how is the balance sheet looking so far? For most of us, mass killings inflict a tiny bit of pain – we may feel some sadness or insecurity immediately after they happen – but afterwards we may spend hours immersed in poignant narratives or philosophical debates that we genuinely enjoy. A couple of dozen people died, and their friends and families will never be the same. But on the other side of the ledger, hundreds of millions of people around the world spent a few hours wallowing in some wonderful emotions. And who knows – if those debates are productive, society may even end up changing for the better as a result.

Taking the analysis to the extreme, you could say that mass killings are much more beneficial to society than, say, traffic deaths. The latter pass almost without notice; they make a few people feel bad, but they don’t make anyone feel particularly good, and the rest of our lives go on unchanged. There are also a lot more of them than mass killings. On this basis, an economist might decide that it was much more important to curtail traffic deaths than to stop mass killings.

And that, in fact, is what we do. Mass killings have continued with tragic regularity despite the moral and political outcries that invariably follow them. At the same time, traffic deaths have fallen precipitously thanks to safety devices in cars, better enforcement, and a host of other measures. Perhaps when mass killings really start to hurt the majority of the population, then we’ll take stronger action against them. But for now, we like them too much.
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A good read that makes you think. Check it out if you have time, and approach it with an open mind.

Why We Won’t Stop Mass Killings: We Like Them Too Much | Daniel Altman | bigthink.com
Forgive me if I’ve already offended you with the title of this piece, but I’m an economist. As such, I tend to weigh up the costs and benefits of just about anything when trying to figure out what it means for society. And when it comes to mass killings, my analysis suggests we have some reason for introspection.

Because of the inescapable reach of media, mass killings affect virtually everyone. While the victims and the ones who loved them suffer terribly, the rest of us may feel a combination of many emotions: grief (through empathy), fear, disbelief, curiosity, fascination, and even a thrill at seeing the commotion caused by what happened. Each horrific event puts us on a new emotional binge.
Spoiler to continue reading:

After shootings like the one in Newtown, the media descend excitedly on the crime scene, and the public tunes in to see and hear the latest details. It’s like rubbernecking at the site of an accident on the highway; we do it because we want to, either to satisfy curiosity or to fulfill some visceral need for morbid stimulation. Then we find out about the killer and the circumstances of the murders, and we argue righteously about how our society has to change. Doing this may actually make us feel good.

Later on, the media produce articles and programs eulogizing the dead. These items usually make us feel good, too. Most of us didn’t know the victims, and most of us didn’t grieve much at their deaths. Yet because of their deaths, primetime hours and column inches can be filled with heartwarming stories of their lives. You can be sure that the writers and television producers feel good about producing these items, too.

So how is the balance sheet looking so far? For most of us, mass killings inflict a tiny bit of pain – we may feel some sadness or insecurity immediately after they happen – but afterwards we may spend hours immersed in poignant narratives or philosophical debates that we genuinely enjoy. A couple of dozen people died, and their friends and families will never be the same. But on the other side of the ledger, hundreds of millions of people around the world spent a few hours wallowing in some wonderful emotions. And who knows – if those debates are productive, society may even end up changing for the better as a result.

Taking the analysis to the extreme, you could say that mass killings are much more beneficial to society than, say, traffic deaths. The latter pass almost without notice; they make a few people feel bad, but they don’t make anyone feel particularly good, and the rest of our lives go on unchanged. There are also a lot more of them than mass killings. On this basis, an economist might decide that it was much more important to curtail traffic deaths than to stop mass killings.

And that, in fact, is what we do. Mass killings have continued with tragic regularity despite the moral and political outcries that invariably follow them. At the same time, traffic deaths have fallen precipitously thanks to safety devices in cars, better enforcement, and a host of other measures. Perhaps when mass killings really start to hurt the majority of the population, then we’ll take stronger action against them. But for now, we like them too much.
Repped. Was a good read, not long at all.
Of course we like it. "We" love to feel sorry for people and their lost ones. We love to have something to feel bad about. FOlks don't even realize it man.

Still get misty eyed when I think about that day. Thinking about all the life those kids had to live and how it was snatched from them so violently still hurts. I simply cannot wrap my head around the pain those families still live with. To lose a child is always bad, but man...like that??? I probably wouldn’t want to carry on with life if I had to deal with that.

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