Employers Refusing To Take Employees Off Payroll

what was quoted under my name was not said by me. the sentences above are from another post are also not mine. only these last three sentences are my words.

sorry, that was my bad. when I quoted the original text, I forgot to type in the closing QUOTE tag and it broke the HTML on the page. I corrected it.
Wait so she cant collect food stamps because shes still technically employed by that company
so why dosnt she just walk into the place and yell out obscenities followed by an I Quit?


She cant collect Food Stamps if she quits but only when she gets fired, IDK how food stamps work im fortunate
enough to not be in that situation

If thats the case shes playing the system. She walked out on her job is what I recalled you posting
which IMO is the same thing as quitting just not officially quitting, just walking out .

I'm a social worker. Foods stamp eligibility is based on income. Whoever "her" worker was, she was just giving you a hard time or didn't feel like doing work/paperwork/etc...and basically is giving you the runaround to benefit their work schedule. I.E. having her comeback on a later day to approve her case.

Doesn't matter if you work or you don't work. You don't need a termination/resignation statements/letters. You can work and STILL get food stamps. It's all based on income and your household composition. If you're a single person and make less than roughly $1,100 a month you're eligible for food stamps.

You can say I work there, but I work 0 hours and get paid $0.00, doesn't matter if you work or not, if that would be easier than getting the employer's statement.

Even if you can't, your worker/department has other methods of getting employer's information. Tell them they won't give it to you, then your worker will be forced to send the employer verification letters and give them a phone call.
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People like this man. 
I'm a social worker. Foods stamp eligibility is based on income. Whoever "her" worker was, she was just giving you a hard time or didn't feel like doing work/paperwork/etc...and basically is giving you the runaround to benefit their work schedule. I.E. having her comeback on a later day to approve her case.

Doesn't matter if you work or you don't work. You don't need an termination/resignation statements/letters. You can work and STILL get food stamps. It's all based on income and your household composition. If you're a single person and make less than roughly $1,100 a month you're eligible for food stamps.

You can say I work there, but I work 0 hours and get paid $0.00, doesn't matter if you work or not.

well thanks for clearing that up, still dosnt explain the thread to me tho
well thanks for clearing that up, still dosnt explain the thread to me tho

From what I'm reading, the thread is about OP's friend who is applying for Food stamp benefits. (NOT UNEMPLOYMENT/EDD)

The social workers says, "I can't approve your Food Stamps because you're working"

applicants says, "I never worked or haven't worked for this company"

Social worker says, "Well it shows in my system that you were at one point employed by them. I need verification saying you no longer work for them"

Now OP's friend can't get employer to give proper verification.

OP's friend is worried she can't get FS, hence this thread for help on how to get verification.

I'm informing them you don't need the verification. She can say, I work 0 hours and get paid $0.00 or say that they refuse to provide it. That's not going to make the applicant ineligible for food stamps because the worker can call to verify with the employer and/or send a employment verification letter reply form to the employer. If the employer can't be reached via phone or doesn't complete and return the letter, applicant technically doesn't work/employed by them.

All of this could have been done same day. Workers like to give people a hard time. Why? I don't know.
There are a bunch of things that workers try to get away with.

This is one of those reasons. Here are a few others:

You don't have ID, you have to come back with proper ID or receipt from the DMV

You don't have your Social Security Card, you have to come back with a SSC or receipt from SSA

Your application isn't filled out correctly or isn't filled out at all

They'll make your reschedule to come back a different day because they "feel like it"

I work with these types of people every day and it disgusts me...
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