ESPN ranks Jordan I-XX9

Feb 1, 2006
Ranking Every Air-Jordan Sneaker I - XX9

Stumbled across this random article on ESPN that ranks Jordans. Doesn't seem like something that ESPN normally gets involved in.
Ive saved everyone who doesn't wanna skim through the trouble and included their ranks below. Added a few of my own comments on certain ranks.

29: XV
28: 2012
27: XIX
26: 2010
25: XX2
24: 2009
22: XVII
21: 2011
20: XX8
19: XXI
18: XX
17: XVI
16: X - Appropriately low IMO
15: XX9
14: II
13: VIII
12: XIV - Could be higher
11: XX3 - Appropriately High
10: IX - Surprisingly high, but not mad
9: VI - Should be higher IMO, top 5
7: VII
6: V - Top 5 IMO
5: XII - Not better than V or VI
4: IV - Arguably Number 1 all-time
3: XI - Surprised not #1, but no argument with top 3
2: III - IM just not a III's guy, but no argument here
1: I - Same as with III's, Im just not a I's guy

To my surprise, considering ESPN knows nada about shoes, I don't really disagree with much here. I know some NTers go nuts for X's but I think they're super plain and inferior to the XI's that followed, and deserve the low ranking. I don't know about VI being barely a top 10 though, especially with XII ranked as top 5. Lastly, I think the XX3 is appropriately high, def an underrated model, that came with a lot of excellent colorways. If MJ wore it, it would've been a renowned classic.

Is this Chad Jones dude on NT?
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They got number 1 and number 2 right! Very very surprised at that :wow:

Edit- number 3 as well :wow:
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Hmmmm off the top of my head Imma go...

1. IV
2. III
3. XI
4. I
5. V
6. V!
7. XII
8. VII
9. IX
10. XIII
11. VIII
12. XIV
13. X
14. II
15. XVII
16. XX3
17. XX
18. XXI

Everything else was ugly, 15s are the ugliest tho. Maybe one of the ugliest designs ever
Top 5 is on point kinda
I hate when people rate XI #1


I just assumed XI would be at 1 cause thats how every mainstream list ends. Im not really into the I and III, as stated, but I def can't argue with they're position

My personal list probably goes something like this. Keep in mind these are my favorites not necessarily the "Top" Jordans

1 - IV
2 - V
3 - VI
4 - XI
5 - XIII
6 - VII
7 - XIV
8 - III
9 - XII
10 - I
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First skims to top three expecting to see a mix of 1, 3, and 11 in the top three in no particular order.

*Ok, good list so far*

Looks at number 29, XIV's :x

lost credibility immediately :lol:
First skims to top three expecting to see a mix of 1, 3, and 11 in the top three in no particular order.

*Ok, good list so far*

Looks at number 29, XIV's :x

lost credibility immediately :lol:

I think they meant XV cuz XIV is on there again at a much higher spot
Fine list. I think that 6&7 should take the places of 5 and 12. I'm just not a fan of 5's at all

dudes gotta be a sneakerhead. 

obviously theres no set in stone order but for the most part he was pretty dead on.

i knew as soon as i saw 15 as dead last the dude was gonna be somewhat on point.

if you were around NT like 10 years ago you knew how consensus hated the 15. 

but like i said accurate for majority unless you wanna nitpick which really comes down to preference..
1s are boring imo

1 - V
2 - IV
3 - VIII
4 - III
5 - VII
6 - VI
7 - XIII
8 - XI
9 - XIV
10 - XII
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There is no way that the XV should be dead last IMO. I think the XV was ahead of it's time and look much better than thr later signature models.
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Lol at the 22s being ranked higher than the 15s and the 19s, no way in hell :x
Easily the worst Jordan out of 1-23 IMO
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