European Championship 2012, Poland-Ukraine June 8-July 1

happy to see Ronaldo do the damn thing today. Portugal will be in the semi's

like i thought before the tourney started...Germany ain't losing
Ronaldo was 5 inches away from scoring 2 more goals and also made a great pass to Nani for the biggest missed chance of the tournament so far.
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

Vamos España
Vive Le France

Portugal vs Holland (Portugal)

Spain and France still my favorites but Portugal might go beyond semis.Hoping for England vs Spain Qtr Final... early exit for England is always awesome.
Man the Germany vs Greece game... Is more than just a game. It's the fate of the EU economy
Originally Posted by 1994SS

Man the Germany vs Greece game... Is more than just a game. It's the fate of the EU economy

Some german fans will probably waving Euro notes.
Not a big soccer buff, certainly a fan, but that performance by Christiano yesterday was one of the best I have witnessed. That dude was playing his **% off.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Not a big soccer buff, certainly a fan, but that performance by Christiano yesterday was one of the best I have witnessed. That dude was playing his **% off.

wait till he's in his Madrid gets even crazier...
dude goes Super Saiyan 3 every now and again...
I am not feeling Spain's kit. But Croatia is looking pretty solid these first 6 minutes into the game.
Doyle gets the +*+! kicked out of the back of his leg; Pirlo goes down. Irish attack is stopped a minute later. smh.
Originally Posted by engoi

Originally Posted by 1994SS

Man the Germany vs Greece game... Is more than just a game. It's the fate of the EU economy

Some german fans will probably waving Euro notes.

Waving Euros?

Thats no respect.

It would be nice to see Greece shock Germany.
And Italy's finally realized they do need to win
Come on Ireland, dont go pointless too.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Swag my boy Ronaldo out...and explain 1994?

The Greeks are in Mega debt, and are struggling to get any more loans as nobody thinks they can pay them back. So Greece is about to literally go bankrupt (like 3 times), and the Germans keep bailing them out at the last second.

The Joke was that if the Greeks beat the Germans, the Germans will go "@%#% it" and stop bailing the Greeks out financially. In which the EU will begin to collapse.

I thought it was funny joke
A couple people got it.
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