Ever wanted to write for a blog? Here is your chance. *paid opportunity*

May 13, 2013

Some of you know me outside of the forum, on twitter, etc...

Along with my parter we have been working on our company for the last 4 years now.  Over the years, we have seen the brand grow and are ready to take it to another level.  We recently just relaunched our website Breadboye.com and are looking for dedicated, witty, writers that would truly enjoy being part of an up and coming company.

This is a lifestyle mag/blog based on all things entertainment.  We are looking for individuals that are interested in growing this enterprise with us.  We are currently offering 25 cents per post.  There are other incentives included such as free apparel, free admission to events, etc. 

This is more than an entertainment "blog" as we are invested in many other business ventures to separate us from the pack and propel us to the next level as a business.  If you are interested in joining our team, have any questions or concerns please feel free to pm or email me at Kenny@Breadboye.com


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A quarter a post? How many words and posts (a day) are you looking for?

That is up to the writers discretion. A quality post can consist of two lines depending on the content or it can be three paragraphs. We're looking for individuals that would enjoy doing this so the pay is an added benefit.

As the company grows, so does pay.
nice site.

I'd be down, but can't really see how i could make the site more interesting :lol:
I love writing, but $0.25 is on the meager side. I mean, even if it takes me 15 minutes to write a 3-paragraph post, I'm making $1/hour. That's laughable.

I could go bum it at McDonald's and sweet talk $5 in an hour.

If you can adequately tell me what you guys are about in 4 sentences, I can consider writing for you guys. But will need more than a quarter per post.
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But where's the Company mission statement? You need to elaborate on what ventures/ ideas make this more than just an entertainment blog, cause for 25 cents a post, your looking for quantity right now and not quality, and you better off asking cats in the worldstar comments to do this for you than a dedicated blogger.
nice site.

I'd be down, but can't really see how i could make the site more interesting
Appreciate the honesty.

We're looking for writers to not only be up to date on current pop culture, fashion, music, sports etc., but we want them to add value with their own thoughts and opinions.  Feel Lebron is better than Jordan? Write about it and explain why in a fun and thought provoking way our readers will enjoy.  
Hey man - you spelled boy wrong in your url. You may want to fix that if you want talent who spells things correctly like myself.
Blog for breadboye???? Lol NO

CaNz EYee b POSTINvz lYke deeZ?!? Y@ hÜRd?!?
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But where's the Company mission statement? You need to elaborate on what ventures/ ideas make this more than just an entertainment blog, cause for 25 cents a post, your looking for quantity right now and not quality, and you better off asking cats in the worldstar comments to do this for you than a dedicated blogger.
Many of our ventures are included in our business plan as well as a Kickstarter which we are currently producing.  Some ideas id rather not release to a public forum.  

I understand .25 may seem small to many, however you must understand we are a new growing company.  Most starting bloggers don't get paid at all, so i'm offering an opportunity (although small) to grow with a company.

@girlslovewaffles  We focus on all things entertainment.  This lifestyle blog is our way to increase our brands value before fully committing to our other ventures that include a record label, movie production, tech/app creation, and event promotions, while maintaing the lifestyle section of the company.  All of the ventures I mentioned are more than ideas as we are already invested in them.  We have built connections over the years that have allowed us to do so.  We have managed artists, done short films/music videos, and hosted/created events; as our next event is going to be huge for New Years in NYC.  
Cool concept, but entertainment isn't my forte, and ¢25 a post is too minis clue for me to take up learning it.

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if you needed someone to write about Sports im down thats the only topic I would be able to contribute to tho :lol:
the site the is well layed out and nicely done

how much did it cost to make a site like that?
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