Ever wonder about your Conception ....

My moms and pops were together about 7 years before they had me. Childhood sweethearts I guess you can call it. Pops was deep in the game tho...so he had money, whips and ran the streets. Women loved my pops, I noticed that at a young age. I seen him do some foul **** that no son should see a dad do, personally I think it kinda ****ed me up. But he loved my moms, she has always been his rock. Then he got popped when I was 11. Did a 8 year bid and moms held him down and still this day. I've seen my parents do a lot of **** a lot. Both sides has had their demons and guilty pleasures.

Looking back on the 80's and early 90's it was a crazy time man. I remember a lot of adult parties as a kid that I shouldn't been at.
I like to think I was conceived like Jesus

the few times someone has brought this topic up in conversation, I became a test tube baby for the purposes of the discussion and I'm not sure the idea hasn't at l...this is just not an area of curiosity for me.

all I know is they've been married for 30 years, and I'm 29...that's quite enough math for me.

lol @ most people being conceived at a cookout to the sounds of 2 Live Crew.
Forgot about this :lol:

So this came up in convo with my uncle a lil while ago and he told me he knows, he wont say but he told me my mom and dad were drunk :lol:

My mom had me at 15, my parents were babies that's kinda what made me curious. I say the 70's were wild cause all people did was coke, weed and drink, in front of me no less. That's also what made me curious.

And I'm 41 not as old as u think. Still fly tho ... :nthat:
My mom's was a *** and my pops was a *** so I know what it is. She got 3 kids by 3 different dude's and he got 4 by 3 women.
But I remember the exact night I made my son. It involved lots of Hennessey, 3 of the homies and 3 females and everybody went in their own rooms... rest was history.
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