Excessive Force Much? Vol. Jaywalking

buncha step n fetch it ppl 
All of this drama over something that has been goin on forever while there have been MAJOR moves being made around the world that most people are oblivious to.
:smh:  @ the "if they don't grab our weapons there would never be a reason for force". It's a natural reaction to grab the object that someone is beating you with to stop the beating. 
Police: Do this
Civilian: Nah
Police beats down civilian. There is no middle ground with some of these cops. 

Kid didn't deserve a beat down, but he is an idiot. 
It seems like some officers are just THIRSTY to get violent. It's almost like you could see the adrenaline pumping through their blood.

They live for it. That's why they become cops.

That and they know the standards are extremely low. C- avg student can work deadend jobs after highschool and become a police officer. Not a clue about anything, but he's given a badge and a gun to use and invoke authority over others who aren't officers.

Not in Canada :D Gotta be educated here
They were ready to face plant dude into the concrete. Is that how they escalate things when things aren't going their way or are moving too slowly? I've seen hostage situations and other situations take a hands off approach that lasts 10-15 minutes. You're being hit and tckled. Common sense has you shielding your body all the way through a
They were ready to face plant dude into the concrete. Is that how they escalate things when things aren't going their way or are moving too slowly? I've seen hostage situations and other situations take a hands off approach that lasts 10-15 minutes. You're being hit and tckled. Common sense has you shielding your body all the way through a

That and the loud screams of "stop resisting!!!!"
I fail to see how the kid is being disorderly. The cop literally has him folded up, pinned against a flowerbed and is shoving his baton into his knees and then up to his throat while leaning and pressing on/over him. What differently could Junior have done at that point? He finally managed to grab the baton and dude hits him. So force, then "resistance" (maybe he said something mean to the officer who was hitting him) then more elevated force makes sense?
If a cop is coming at me i already lost. Im hitting the deck and not moving. Dudes clearly resist and scream "get off me" like what is the cop supposed to do say "a well he doesnt want to cooperate so lets just leave him be"
Doomed either way I guess, because I'm not about to just sit perfectly still and let you choke me out or pin me up against a wall or something either, hoping that you'll see I am subservient and feel compelled to stop soon.
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