Family called "reckless" after sea beast attacks young girl...VOL SEA LION

Apr 15, 2004
A male California sea lion grabbed a young girl by her dress and pulled her into the water off Steveston's docks on Saturday, May 20. Marine mammal experts say the animal most likely mistook the dress for food.

Robert Kiesman, chair of the Steveston Harbour Authority, said there are several signs posted at the popular tourist destination warning people not to feed the sea mammals that frequent the area.

"You wouldn't go up to a grizzly bear in the bush and hand him a ham sandwich, so you shouldn't be handing a thousand-pound wild mammal in the water slices of bread," Kiesman said.

"And you certainly shouldn't be letting your little girl sit on the edge of the dock with her dress hanging down after the sea lion has already snapped at her once. Just totally reckless behaviour."

Kiesman said that there are similar issues with people feeding marine mammals throughout B.C., including Prince Rupert, Comox and Victoria.

The harbour authority has posted more signs along the dock where the girl was attacked Saturday, Kiesman said, in addition to staff who regularly patrol the area throughout the day to deliver verbal warnings.

According to Canada's Marine Mammal Regulations, "no person shall disturb a marine mammal except when fishing."

The signs at the Steveston docks say the maximum penalty for "disturbing" a marine mammal is $100,000.

"You can only spend so much time protecting people from their reckless behaviour," said Kiesman. "We've now seen an example of why it's illegal to do this and why it's dangerous and frankly stupid to do this."

The signs also warn that sea lion bites "can cause very serious infections that may lead to amputation of a limb or even death."

Danielle Hyson, a senior marine mammal trainer at the Vancouver Aquarium, says if the girl has a puncture or broken skin from the incident, her family should call the aquarium.

That's because bacteria in sea lions' mouths can cause a specific infection, which Hyson said would need specific treatment. She said the aquarium could provide advice to a doctor about treatment.

Michael Fujiwara Steveson dock sea lion video taker
Michael Fujiwara's video showing a young girl being dragged into the ocean in Richmond by a sea lion has been viewed millions of times online. (Lauren McCullough/CBC)
SFU student Michael Fujiwara captured the video. He said he was on the dock when he saw the large, male sea lion approach, so he started filming it as a crowd gathered around the animal.

He said a family began feeding it bread crumbs while the young girl got close to the edge of the dock.

Fujiwara said it appeared that no one was injured in the incident, but the girl and those with her left immediately after getting her back on the dock.

He told CBC News on Saturday that the family was "pretty shaken up" and appeared to be in shock.

Fujiwara said he goes once a week to the docks and sees sea lions often, but has never witnessed anything like what he was able to capture on video
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Its a wild animal and the family was doing everything you're instructed NOT to do. What did they expect would happen? The signs put up aren't a suggestion.
Its a wild animal and the family was doing everything you're instructed NOT to do. What did they expect would happen? The signs put up aren't a suggestion.

The article said a family was feeding the seals bread, I don't think the girl's family was feeding them. I'd never expect a seal to reach out of the water and grab someone with those fin hands it got.
Grandpa reacted hella quickly. 1:40 she's pulled in, 1:42 he jumps in while everyone else is still saying omg.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Sea lion snapped at her the first time she stuck her hand out. She tried it again by sitting on the edge like it was all good.
Why don't you think the family was feeding the sea lion?

Didn't watch the video but read the article. Just said a family fed the seals, not her family. If they did then the article should've been clear. Did see a video on youtube where seals were raping penguins, I already know to be cautious of their non-consentual humping.
Thankfully she wasn't hurt, but c'mon man :smh:. She is lucky she moved too or that would have been a nice chunk of skin he caught instead of her dress.

Props to the old head for the quick response time.
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The real question is do you think you could take a sea lion?

Keep in mind thats 300 to 600 lbs of pure aquatic muscle
This reminds me of that story last year where a kid got snatched by a gator while he was near the lagoon and found dead. I remember there was a backlash against Disney, but apparently they had signs warning guests of attacks. 
He was pissed they were giving him crumbs.

But on the real i seen these California Sea Lions before. Theyre ******* HUGE. I wouldnt go near them ***** tbh, plus they ******* stink
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The real question is do you think you could take a sea lion?

Keep in mind thats 300 to 600 lbs of pure aquatic muscle
Bruh. No ******* way.

A sea lion will straight rip you to smithereens, if they had opposable thumbs.

I think it's pretty apparent that they were extremely reckless. After the sea lion got up out the water the first time, I definitely wouldn't have thought to take a seat, or allow a child to sit down.

Watching the moment the sea lion realizes her guard is can see his mind working in real time.

Props to money who hopped right in to save her.
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Its a wild animal and the family was doing everything you're instructed NOT to do. What did they expect would happen? The signs put up aren't a suggestion.

The article said a family was feeding the seals bread, I don't think the girl's family was feeding them. I'd never expect a seal to reach out of the water and grab someone with those fin hands it got.

You don't really make any sense.
Bet this wouldn't have happened on the East coast...mostly bc they really only exist in the Pacific
Out SF sea lions stay lazy in them waters and docks.


I can just imagine that smell :x

:lol: i remmeber going to SF for the first time few years and saw this. I was like sooo they just law around all day. Not a singke one moved.

We left came back a lil later it was night. And there were a few of them just making loud as noise. Then this one big one, must have been "the ONE" of the group let out this deep loud raor? And they all shut up :lol:
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