FAT Shaming

This last page :rofl:

I actually was not familiar with Jorga Smith beforehand so thank y’all for putting me on.

So WASHED KING WASHED KING if you saw a Hinge profile with these current day Jorga pics are you swiping left?



it’s so true tho. any pics i see of the older generation the overwhelming large majority of them and the others in the background etc were skinny and fit. i don’t get it lol cuz they ate like trash.

The other thing i see is that everyone kind of had really good hair and hair quality. Like everyone in my family of 25+ had good hair up through their 40s. I’m in my 30s and my hair is thinning dramatically and much less nice. whack.

I totally don’t get it there’s something insidious going on with microplastics, etc that’s breaking down our bodies differently.
it’s so true tho. any pics i see of the older generation the overwhelming large majority of them and the others in the background etc were skinny and fit. i don’t get it lol cuz they ate like trash.

The other thing i see is that everyone kind of had really good hair and hair quality. Like everyone in my family of 25+ had good hair up through their 40s. I’m in my 30s and my hair is thinning dramatically and much less nice. whack.

I totally don’t get it there’s something insidious going on with microplastics, etc that’s breaking down our bodies differently.

Basically the richer a country gets the fatter a country gets,
Americans were poorer in 1973 and food costed more money relative to their pay.

Portugal / Spain is about the line of GDP where you can avoid an obesity epidemic.
but once you cross that, people will start getting fat.

Humans spent millions of years going through cycles of famine and abundance.

Human's simply weren't made to exist with unlimited supply of cheap sweet, salty fatty foods.
our entire evolutionary history tells us we should eat as much as possible and use the fat stores for the inevitable famine.
It’s wild we’re in 2023 and we haven’t solved these problems. I expect the next 20 years we’ll see a lot of designer drugs and a shift of the pendulum back to a lot of healthy looking people. Eat wtv you want but still stay fit sort of things.
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