Father With Autistic Son Sends His Kid to School With a Wire, Exposes Bullying by Teachers

Jul 25, 2007
please check this out if you haven’t seen it already. the discrimination, abuse and mistreatment of people with special needs/disabilities is unfortunately still an incredibly common problem that too often goes unnoticed or ignored.
My mom works with special needs children, and I have a high respect for her for that. Teachers and students always love my mom because she has a real care and love for her kids

That's disgusting, if I were that kid's father I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep my composure like that.

But i think teachers need to be paid more (and screened better) so they actually give a damn about their jobs..
Originally Posted by bjamez20

That's disgusting, if I were that kid's father I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep my composure like that.

But i think teachers need to be paid more (and screened better) so they actually give a damn about their jobs..

This. All of this.

Originally Posted by dankenstien88

Originally Posted by bjamez20

That's disgusting, if I were that kid's father I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep my composure like that.

But i think teachers need to be paid more (and screened better) so they actually give a damn about their jobs..

This. All of this.

watched up until around 7 min mark. Couldn't watch after she started making kid cry by making fun of him. %$# is wrong with people.
I couldn't watch the whole thing.....made me really feel for the dad.

It's sad the way the world is.  We put so much emphasis on raising kids and the next generation and making the world better.  But teachers still get paid next to nothing and aside from an extremely strong moral and ethical code....have 0 reason to give dambs about their job.

Spoiler [+]
If i ever hit the lottery i am opening up my own school.  And paying every teacher at least 150k a year.  My interview process will be harsh though lol.
Sadly nothing is going to come out of this that has not already happened. He does not have full names so he doesn't have any real sway. No one is going to out themselves and quit their jobs over this.
Then they wonder why some students go back years later and retaliate with a trench coat and machine gun...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

My mom works with special needs children, and I have a high respect for her for that. Teachers and students always love my mom because she has a real care and love for her kids



But yea man this is disturbing. The fact that other teachers probably stand for this behavior from their fellow co-workers is the messed up thing about it all. Needs to be more self policing.
This guy is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too calm.

The day you call MY child a "bastard" is a day you'll regret for the rest of your life and I mean that @@!%.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

This guy is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too calm.

The day you call MY child a "bastard" is a day you'll regret for the rest of your life and I mean that @@!%.
Originally Posted by IronChef

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

This guy is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too calm.

The day you call MY child a "bastard" is a day you'll regret for the rest of your life and I mean that @@!%.
It's not worth it unless its psyhical violence and even then it's not worth going to jail or anything cause I'm pretty sure most people can't afford to have a record. I would want to do something crazy but I still have to act better than them even if they don't.
It's so ugly, because of how unprovoked and simple it is.

If it was some psycho who threw his kid across the room and bully and tortured him, then that's a maniac who slipped into the system.
This though...this is enough to make any parent think...hey...this ain't so over the top and ridiculous...this could be happening anywhere.
This is crazy I dont know how I'd stop myself from putting hands on all those teachers. And that was just a random +!! day! Meaning its the absolute norn and probably is much worse some days. My heart was shattered hearing that piece of hunan trash call that poor kid a bastard.

HOW IS THIS NOT GROUNDS TO SUE???? I dont mean extort as much money from the school as possible either. I mean bring justice to these teachers and this school. The treatment in those short segments of audio are damn near just as worse as physical abuse and if there was video if evidence of that, i'm sure it would be grounds to sue. They cause this kid emotional pain and god knows how many other children. And the +@*%+ who made the bastard comment doesnt. Even. Get. Fired. I would lose it if was the dad more power to him.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Exactly why your presence should be known and felt at your child's school.

damn right....esp as a father
sad situation tho... as a parent 
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Originally Posted by IronChef

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

This guy is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too calm.

The day you call MY child a "bastard" is a day you'll regret for the rest of your life and I mean that @@!%.
It's not worth it unless its psyhical violence and even then it's not worth going to jail or anything cause I'm pretty sure most people can't afford to have a record. I would want to do something crazy but I still have to act better than them even if they don't.
exactly & the sad thing is this is nothing new & it's going on at other schools also
i felt so disgusted with this.
 this just reminded me of this one time with my son he is 9 yrs old now. i have a son that is Autistic. he was placed in a normal class at the age of 7yrs old but still had problems with his learning. during their annually field day he was sitting with a group of kids. as I was standing near them. this one kid in his class comes up and starts calling my son a ****** because he couldnt balance an egg across the school yard. my sons friends told this kid to leave my son alone. i wanted so bad to kick this little kid in the face. i told him that it wasnt nice to say things like that and i brought it up with the principle. this wasnt the first time this kid had called other kids name. after a week i was called in and was told that this kid was asked to be removed from the school and was not allowed to return at all. I was told by my sons teacher that he called a girl in their class the N word. at this school they have a no bullying system that would blow your mind. if a child is caught bullying he gets suspended for 1 day. after that he/she is sent to counseling and behavior meetings. if it counties to happen he/she is then suspended form that school. my oldest and youngest child know and have been taught that no matter what there not allowed to bully or name call other kids no matter if they are special or not. now I know I have no control over what my kids do on their own but I remind them that how would they feel if someone was teasing there brother because how he is.
for what reason, doe?
smh... we really need to pay these teachers more, famb...

money is the one thing that will keep people in line...

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